
AF Area Operations

character_bullet-largeMove the Position of the AF Area

character_bullet-largeChanging the Size of the AF Area

character_bullet-largeResetting the AF Area

character_bullet-largeFocus on and Adjust Brightness for the Touched Position ([AF+AE])

character_bullet-largeMoving the AF Area Position with the Touch Pad

character_bullet-large[Focus Switching for Vert / Hor]



Move the Position of the AF Area

character_diamondTouch operations

With the default settings, focus is on the point touched when you touch the screen. (character_reference[Touch Settings])

Touch the recording screen.

bullet02The AF area setting screen is displayed.

The AF area is set when you either touch [Set] or press the shutter button halfway.


bullet02You can optimize the focus and brightness on the touched position. (character_referenceFocus on and Adjust Brightness for the Touched Position ([AF+AE]))

bullet02You can focus on the touched position and release the shutter. (character_referenceTouch AF/Touch Shutter)

character_diamondOperations with the joystick

With the default settings, the AF area can be manipulated with the joystick. (character_reference[Joystick Setting])

Tilt the joystick in the recording screen.

bullet02The AF area setting screen is displayed.

The AF area is set when you either press button_menu-set or press the shutter button halfway.



bullet02Pressing button_joy-stick-push_s enables switching between the default and set AF area positions.

In [icon_pinpoints-af], this operation displays the enlarged screen.


character_diamondButton operations

  1. Press character_down in the AF mode selection screen.

bullet02The AF area setting screen is displayed.

  1. Press character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right to move the position of the AF area.

bullet02The AF area is set when you either press button_menu-set or press the shutter button halfway.


bullet02When [Metering Mode] is [icon_spot], the metering target also moves together with the AF area.


bullet02You can set the AF area to loop when moved:

(character_reference[Looped Focus Frame])

bullet02You can assign the function that displays the AF area/MF Assist movement screens to an Fn button:

(character_reference[Focus Area Set])

Changing the Size of the AF Area

character_diamondTouch operations

Pinch out/pinch in the AF area in the AF area setting screen.

bullet02Either touch [Set] or press the shutter button halfway to confirm.


character_diamondDial Operations

Rotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s, or button_control-dial_s.

bullet02Either press button_menu-set or press the shutter button halfway to confirm.



bullet02In [icon_af-tracking], [icon_cus-multi-af-horizontal], and [icon_pinpoints-af], the size of the AF area cannot be changed.

Resetting the AF Area

character_diamondTouch operations

Touch [Reset] in the AF area setting screen.

bullet02The first touch returns the AF area position to the center. The second touch returns the AF area size to the default.

character_diamondButton operations

Press [DISP.] in the AF area setting screen.

bullet02The first press returns the AF area position to the center. The second press returns the AF area size to the default.


Focus on and Adjust Brightness for the Touched Position ([AF+AE])

  1. Set [Touch AF].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_custom-menu-operation] character_arrow [Touch Settings] character_arrow [Touch AF] character_arrow [AF+AE]

  1. Touch the subject to which you wish to adjust the brightness.

character_bullet-largeAt the touched position, an AF area that works in the same way as [icon_1-point-af_blue] is displayed.

This places a point to adjust brightness at the center of the AF area.

bullet02How to manipulate the AF area (character_referenceAF Area Operations)


  1. Touch [Set].

character_bullet-largeThe [AF+AE] setting is canceled if you touch [icon_af-ae-select-off_s] (when [icon_1-area-plus] or [icon_1-point-af_blue] is set: [icon_ae-select-off_s]) on the recording screen.

Moving the AF Area Position with the Touch Pad

During viewfinder display, you can touch the monitor to change the position and size of the AF area.

  1. Set [Touch Pad AF].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_custom-menu-operation] character_arrow [Touch Settings] character_arrow [Touch Pad AF] character_arrow [EXACT]/[OFFSET1] to [OFFSET7]

  1. Move the position of the AF area.

character_bullet-largeDuring viewfinder display, touch the monitor.

bullet02How to manipulate the AF area (character_referenceAF Area Operations)


  1. Confirm your selection.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button halfway.

character_diamondSetting Items ([Touch Pad AF])


Moves the AF area of the viewfinder by touching a desired position on the touch pad.


[OFFSET1] (entire area)/[OFFSET2] (right half)/[OFFSET3] (upper right)/[OFFSET4] (lower right)/[OFFSET5] (left half)/[OFFSET6] (upper left)/[OFFSET7] (lower left)

Moves the AF area of the viewfinder according to the distance you drag your finger on the touch pad.

Select the range to be detected with the drag operation.



[Focus Switching for Vert / Hor]

Memorizes separate positions for AF areas for when the camera is vertically aligned and for when it is horizontally aligned.

Two vertical orientations, left and right, are available.


button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_custom-menu-focus-release] character_arrow Select [Focus Switching for Vert / Hor]


Memorizes separate positions for vertical and horizontal orientations.


Sets the same position for vertical and horizontal orientations.


bullet02In MF, this memorizes the MF Assist position.