
[Picture Quality]



Set the compression rate used for storing pictures.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow Select [Picture Quality]



JPEG images that give priority to image quality.

File format: JPEG


JPEG images of standard image quality.

This is useful for increasing the number of recordable pictures without changing the picture size.

File format: JPEG


This records RAW and JPEG images ([FINE] or [STD.]) simultaneously.

File format: RAW+JPEG


This records RAW images.

File format: RAW


Note on RAW

RAW format refers to a data format of images that have not been processed on the camera.

Playback and editing of RAW images require the camera or the dedicated software.

bullet02You can process RAW images on the camera. (character_reference[RAW Processing])

bullet02Use software (“SILKYPIX Developer Studio” by Adwaa) to process and edit RAW files on a PC. (character_referenceSILKYPIX Developer Studio SE)


bullet02RAW images are always recorded in the [L] size of the [4:3] aspect ratio.

bullet02When you delete an image recorded with [RAW+FINE] or [RAW+STD.] on the camera, both the RAW and JPEG images will be deleted simultaneously.

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Picture Quality] is not available:

– High Resolution mode


bullet02You can assign the function that records a RAW image and a JPEG image simultaneously once only to an Fn button:

(character_reference[1 Shot RAW+JPG])

bullet02Selects a Color Space setting from [sRGB] or [AdobeRGB]:

(character_reference[Color Space])