
Stream by Operating the PC



Via a commercially available USB ethernet adaptor, connect the camera to the router/PC with a wired LAN, then use the streaming software installed on the PC to IP stream. (Supported protocols: RTP/RTSP)


(A) USB ethernet adaptor (commercially available)

(B) LAN cable (commercially available)

(C) Router

Getting started:

bullet02Install the RTP/RTSP compatible streaming software onto your PC.

  1. Set the camera’s recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Set [IP Address Setting (LAN)] to the same network as the PC.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_setup-menu] character_arrow [icon_setup-inout] character_arrow [LAN / Wi-Fi] character_arrow [LAN / Wi-Fi Setup] character_arrow [IP Address Setting (LAN)] (character_reference[IP Address Setting (LAN)])


bullet02If you have modified settings in [IP Address Setting (LAN)], turn the camera off and on again.

  1. Set up streaming settings on the camera.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_setup-menu] character_arrow [icon_setup-inout] character_arrow [Streaming]


  1. In [Streaming Method], select [Via PC Software], and set [Connection Method] to [LAN].

  1. In [Streaming Setup], set [Streaming Quality] and [RTSP Port].

  1. Set [Streaming Function] to [ON].

bullet02[icon_streaming-set-s] is displayed on the recording screen.

  1. Connect the commercially available USB ethernet adaptor to the camera, then use commercially available LAN cables to connect the camera and the PC to a router.

  1. Use your streaming software to start/end streaming.

character_bullet-largeSet the URL as follows in your streaming software:

rtsp://(IP address of this camera)/stream

character_bullet-largeIf the [RTSP Port] has been changed from the default setting (554), set as follows:

rtsp://(IP address of this camera):(RTSP port)/stream

character_bullet-largeWhen streaming starts, [icon_streaming-start-s] is displayed on the recording screen of the camera.

character_bullet-largeFor details about operation methods, refer to the operating instructions of the streaming software.


bullet02Displays a blue frame on the screen during streaming:

(character_reference[Streaming Blue Frame Indicator])

bullet02When you press the shutter button or the video rec. button on the camera, you can record the images being streamed on an external recorder connected via HDMI:

(character_referenceOutputting Control Information to an External Recorder)


bullet02During IP streaming, just starting “LUMIX Tether” establishes the wired LAN connection with “LUMIX Tether”, meaning that you do not have to operate the camera.

(The live view is not displayed on the “LUMIX Tether” screen during streaming.)