[Setup] menu
[Card/File] ([Setup] menu ([Card/File]))
[Card Format] ([Card Format])
[Double Card Slot Function] ([Double Card Slot Function])
[Folder / File Settings] ([Folder / File Settings])
[File Number Reset] ([File Number Reset])
[Copyright Information] ([Copyright Information])
[Monitor / Display] ([Setup] menu ([Monitor / Display]))
[Power Save Mode] ([Power Save Mode])
[Thermal Management] ([Thermal Management])
[Monitor Frame Rate] ([Monitor Frame Rate])
[LVF Frame Rate] ([LVF Frame Rate])
[AFC Live View] ([AFC Live View])
[Monitor Settings]/[Viewfinder] ([Monitor Settings]/[Viewfinder])
[Monitor Backlight]/[LVF Luminance] ([Monitor Backlight]/[LVF Luminance])
[Eye Sensor] ([Eye Sensor])
[Level Gauge Adjust.] ([Level Gauge Adjust.])
[IN/OUT] ([Setup] menu ([IN/OUT]))
[Beep] ([Beep])
[Headphone Volume] ([Headphone Volume])
[Sound Monitoring Channel(Play)] ([Sound Monitoring Channel(Play)])
[Streaming] ([Streaming])
[LAN / Wi-Fi] ([LAN / Wi-Fi])
[Bluetooth] ([Bluetooth])
[USB] ([USB])
[Battery Use Priority] ([Battery Use Priority])
[HDMI Connection] ([HDMI Connection])
[Network Connection Light] ([Network Connection Light])
[Setting] ([Setup] menu ([Setting]))
[Save to Custom Mode] ([Save to Custom Mode])
[Load Custom Mode] ([Load Custom Mode])
[Custom Mode Settings] ([Custom Mode Settings])
[Save/Restore Camera Setting] ([Save/Restore Camera Setting])
[Reset] ([Reset])
[Others] ([Setup] menu ([Others]))
[Clock Set] ([Clock Set])
[Time Zone] ([Time Zone])
[System Frequency] ([System Frequency])
[Pixel Refresh] ([Pixel Refresh])
[Sensor Cleaning] ([Sensor Cleaning])
[Language] ([Language])
[Firmware Version] ([Firmware Version])
[Approved Regulations] ([Approved Regulations])
Depending on the country or area where the camera was purchased, this is not displayed due to differences in specifications.