
High Resolution mode



This merges pictures with a high resolution from multiple recorded images.

This function is suitable for recording subjects that do not move.

The picture after merging can be saved in RAW or JPEG format.


bullet02Use a tripod to minimize camera shake.

bullet02The image stabilization function is automatically turned off.

  1. Set the drive mode to [icon_high-res-2] (High resolution).

character_bullet-largeSet the drive mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Drive Mode)

  1. Set the recording settings.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow [High Resolution Mode Setting]


[Picture Quality]

Set the compression rate at which the pictures are to be stored.


bullet02When set to [COMBINED], recording is with the same settings as [Picture Quality] in the [Photo] ([Image Quality]) menu. (However, [STD.] changes to [FINE].)

[Picture Size]

Sets the image size after merging.

When the [Aspect Ratio] is [4:3].

[XL] (85 M): 10656×8000

[LL] (42.5 M): 7552×5664

When the [Aspect Ratio] is [3:2].

[XL] (96 M): 12000×8000

[LL] (48 M): 8496×5664

When the [Aspect Ratio] is [16:9].

[XL] (81 M): 12000×6736

[LL] (40.5 M): 8496×4784

When the [Aspect Ratio] is [1:1].

[XL] (64 M): 8000×8000

[LL] (32 M): 5664×5664

bullet02RAW images are always recorded in the [3:2] (12000×8000) aspect ratio.

[Simul Record Normal Shot]

Simultaneously takes pictures that are not merged when [ON] is set. The first picture will be saved with [Picture Size] set to [L].

[Shutter Delay]

Sets the delay time from when the shutter button is pressed until the shutter is released.

[30 SEC]/[15 SEC]/[8 SEC]/[4 SEC]/[2 SEC]/[1 SEC]/[1/2 SEC]/[1/4 SEC]/[1/8 SEC]/[Off]

[Motion Blur Processing]

Sets the correction method to use when the subject moved.

[MODE1]: This gives priority to High Resolution mode, therefore subject blur appears as an afterimage in the picture.

[MODE2]: This reduces afterimage from subject blur, but cannot obtain the same High Resolution mode effect in the corrected range.

  1. Decide on the composition and then fix the camera in place.

bullet02If blurring is detected, the High Resolution mode icon (A) blinks.


  1. Start recording.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button fully.

bullet02With the default settings, [Shutter Delay] is activated, so there will be a gap in time from when the shutter button is pressed until the shutter is released.

bullet02The screen goes dark during recording.

bullet02The recording state indication (red) (B) blinks.

Do not move the camera while it is blinking.

bullet02You can continue recording when the merging process ends.



bullet02In High Resolution mode, recording will be performed using the following settings:

– [Shutter Type]: Fixed to [ELEC.]

– Minimum aperture value: F16

– Shutter speed: 1 second to 1/8000 of a second

– ISO sensitivity: Upper limit to [3200]

– Focus mode: [AFS]/[MF]

bullet02When you record in an extremely bright location or under lighting such as fluorescent or LED lighting, the coloring or brightness of the image may change or horizontal stripes may appear on the screen.

Lowering the shutter speed may reduce the effect of horizontal stripes.

bullet02Devices other than this camera may not be able to play back images recorded using High Resolution mode.

bullet02When using APS-C lenses, recording in High Resolution Mode is not possible.

bullet02When the following function is being used, High Resolution Mode is not available:

– [Live View Composite]