
Slow & Quick Video



In the [S&Q] mode, the camera records at a different frame rate to the recording frame rate, enabling the creation of slow motion video and quick motion video in the MOV format.

Slow Motion Video (Overcrank Recording)

Set a number of frames that is higher than the recording frame rate of the [Rec Quality].

For example: When recording at 60 fps when set to a 29.97p [Rec Quality], the speed is halved.

Quick Motion Video (Undercrank Recording)

Set a number of frames that is lower than the recording frame rate of the [Rec Quality].

For example: When recording at 15 fps when set to a 29.97p [Rec Quality], the speed is doubled.


bullet02Slow & Quick video with a recording quality with the ALL-Intra image compression system cannot be recorded to SD cards. You will need a commercially available external SSD for recording. (character_referenceUsing an External SSD (Commercially Available))

  1. Set the recording mode to [S&Q].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

bullet02[Rec. File Format] changes to [MOV].

  1. Select a recording quality with which you can record Slow & Quick video.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Rec Quality]

bullet02Items available for recording with Slow & Quick video are indicated as [S&Q available].

bullet02Recording qualities with which you can record Slow & Quick video (character_reference List of Recording Qualities That Enable Special Videos to be Recorded)


  1. Set the frame rate.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Slow & Quick Setting]

character_bullet-largeRotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s or button_control-dial_s to select a numeric value, then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02You can set a frame rate in the following ranges:

– C4K/4K video: 1 fps to 60 fps

– FHD video: 1 fps to 180 fps


character_diamondFrame Rate Combinations and Playback Speeds

Frame rate

[System Frequency]: [59.94Hz (NTSC)]








1 fps

30× Quick

24× Quick

60× Quick

30× Quick

24× Quick

2 fps

15× Quick

12× Quick

30× Quick

15× Quick

12× Quick

5 fps

6× Quick

4.8× Quick

12× Quick

6× Quick

4.8× Quick

10 fps

3× Quick

2.4× Quick

6× Quick

3× Quick

2.4× Quick

15 fps

2× Quick

1.6× Quick

4× Quick

2× Quick

1.6× Quick

30 fps

1× Normal

1.25× Slow

2× Quick

1× Normal

1.25× Slow

60 fps

2× Slow

2.5× Slow

1× Normal

2× Slow

2.5× Slow

100 fps

1.67× Slow

3.33× Slow

4.17× Slow

120 fps

2× Slow

4× Slow

5× Slow

150 fps

2.5× Slow

5× Slow

6.25× Slow

180 fps

3× Slow

6× Slow

7.5× Slow

Frame rate

[System Frequency]: [50.00Hz (PAL)]





1 fps

25× Quick

50× Quick

25× Quick

2 fps

12.5× Quick

25× Quick

12.5× Quick

5 fps

5× Quick

10× Quick

5× Quick

10 fps

2.5× Quick

5× Quick

2.5× Quick

15 fps

1.67× Quick

3.33× Quick

1.67× Quick

30 fps

1.2× Slow

1.67× Quick

1.2× Slow

60 fps

2.4× Slow

1.2× Slow

2.4× Slow

100 fps

2× Slow

4× Slow

120 fps

2.4× Slow

4.8× Slow

150 fps

3× Slow

6× Slow

180 fps

3.6× Slow

7.2× Slow

Frame rate

[System Frequency]: [24.00Hz (CINEMA)]




1 fps

24× Quick

24× Quick

2 fps

12× Quick

12× Quick

5 fps

4.8× Quick

4.8× Quick

10 fps

2.4× Quick

2.4× Quick

15 fps

1.6× Quick

1.6× Quick

30 fps

1.25× Slow

1.25× Slow

60 fps

2.5× Slow

2.5× Slow

100 fps

4.17× Slow

120 fps

5× Slow

150 fps

6.25× Slow

180 fps

7.5× Slow

character_diamondShutter Speeds When Recording Slow & Quick Video

When recording Slow & Quick video, the minimum shutter speed changes depending on the frame rate of [Slow & Quick Setting].

Frame rate

Minimum shutter speed



1 fps

1/30 of a second

1 second

2 fps

1/2 of a second

5 fps

1/5 of a second

10 fps

1/10 of a second

15 fps

1/15 of a second

30 fps

1/30 of a second

60 fps

1/60 of a second

1/60 of a second

100 fps

1/100 of a second

1/100 of a second

120 fps

1/125 of a second

1/125 of a second

150 fps

1/160 of a second

180 fps

1/200 of a second


bullet02Audio will not be recorded during Slow & Quick recording.

bullet02When the resolution is set to C4K/4K [Rec Quality], [Image Area of Video] is fixed to [APS-C].

bullet02When the resolution is set to FHD [Rec Quality], [PIXEL/PIXEL] in [Image Area of Video] cannot be selected.

bullet02The mode switches to MF when you set to a frame rate of 150 fps or more.

(The camera automatically focuses when [AF ON] is pressed, but only before starting recording.)

bullet02The angle of view is reduced when you set the frame rate to 180 fps.