
High Frame Rate Video



[MOV] video with high frame rates can be recorded to cards. By converting it with the compatible software, it is possible to produce slow motion video.

Audio recording, not possible in the Slow & Quick mode, also becomes possible.

  1. Set [Rec. File Format] to [MOV].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Rec. File Format] character_arrow [MOV]

  1. Select a recording quality for high frame rate video.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Rec Quality]

bullet02The following recording qualities are available in [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode:

– [Rec Quality] with a high frame rate video exceeding a recording frame rate of 60.00p

bullet02By filtering the [Rec Quality] by the frame rate, you can display just those recording qualities that match the frame rate conditions. (character_reference[Filtering])

bullet02Recording Qualities for High Frame Rate Video (character_referenceList of Recording Qualities That Enable Special Videos to be Recorded)

character_diamondShutter Speeds When Recording High Frame Rate Video

When recording high frame rate video, the minimum shutter speed changes depending on the recording frame rate of the video.

Recording frame rate of the video

Minimum shutter speed




1/30 of a second

1/2 of a secondcharacter_asterisk


1/25 of a second


1/100 of a second


1/125 of a second

  1. Can be set in [M] mode ([Auto Exposure in P/A/S/M] is set to [OFF]) or [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode ([Exposure Mode] is set to [M])


bullet02When outputting via HDMI, the resolution and frame rate may be down-converted for output.