
Sending Images from the Camera to a PC

Send recorded images to the PC connected with Wi-Fi.


Supported OS

Windows: Windows 10, Windows 11

Mac: macOS 12.0 to 12.7, 13.0 to 13.6, 14.1 to 14.2

Getting started:

bullet02Turn on the PC.

bullet02Create a destination folder for images.

bullet02If the workgroup of the destination PC has been changed from the standard setting, change the corresponding setting of the camera in [PC Connection]. (character_reference[PC Connection])

character_diamondCreate a Destination Folder for Images

When using Windows (Example for Windows 10)

  1. Select the destination folder and then right-click.

  1. Select [Properties] and then enable folder sharing.

When using Mac (Example for macOS 12.0)

  1. Select the destination folder and then click the items in the following order.

[File] character_arrow [Get Info]

  1. Enable folder sharing.


bullet02Create a PC account name (up to 254 characters) and password (up to 32 characters) consisting of alphanumeric characters.

A destination folder may not be created if the account name includes non-alphanumeric characters.

bullet02When the computer name (NetBIOS name for Mac) contains a space (blank character), etc., it may not be recognized.

In that case, we recommend changing the name to one consisting only of 15 or less alphanumeric characters.

bullet02Refer to the operating instructions for your PC or Help on the OS for detailed setting procedures.

  1. Select the method for sending images on the camera.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_setup-menu] character_arrow [icon_setup-inout] character_arrow [LAN / Wi-Fi] character_arrow [Wi-Fi Function] character_arrow [New Connection] character_arrow [Send Images to PC While Recording]/[Send Images Stored in the Camera to PC]

  1. Connect the camera and PC by Wi-Fi.

character_bullet-largeSelect [Via Network] (character_reference[Via Network]) or [Direct] (character_reference[Direct]), and then connect.

  1. Enter the computer name of the PC you want to connect to (for Mac, the NetBIOS name).

bullet02How to enter characters (character_referenceEntering Characters)

  1. Select a folder for storing images.

bullet02Folders sorted by sent date will be created in the selected folder, and images will be saved there.

  1. Check the send settings and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02To change the send setting, press [DISP.]. (character_referenceImage Send Settings)

  1. (When [Send Images to PC While Recording] is selected) Take pictures.

bullet02[icon_wi-fi-sending2] is displayed in the recording screen of the camera while a file is being sent.

bullet02To end the connection, follow the steps below:

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_setup-menu] character_arrow [icon_setup-inout] character_arrow [LAN / Wi-Fi] character_arrow [Wi-Fi Function] character_arrow [Yes]

(When [Send Images Stored in the Camera to PC] is selected) Select an image. (character_referenceSelecting Images)

bullet02To end the connection, select [Exit].


bullet02If the screen for a user account and password entry appears, enter the one you set on your PC.

bullet02When the firewall of the OS, security software, etc. is enabled, connecting to the PC may not be possible.

bullet02When recording, recording is prioritized so it will take time for sending to complete.

bullet02If the camera is turned off, or the Wi-Fi is disconnected before sending is completed, then sending will not restart.

bullet02You may not be able to delete files or use the [Playback] menu while sending.

bullet02When the following functions are being used, [Wi-Fi Function] is not available:

– [Streaming Function]

– [Auto Transfer]

– [ Connection]

character_diamondImages That Can be Sent

The images that can be sent depend on the method used for sending them.

Images that can be sent

[Send Images to PC While Recording]

[Send Images Stored in the Camera to PC]




bullet02Depending on the OS version, these may not be displayed correctly.

bullet02Sending may not be possible depending on your device.

bullet02It may not be possible to send images recorded with devices other than this camera, or images edited or processed on a PC.