
[Live View Composite]



Images are recorded over several times and only the parts that change to become brighter form part of the composition.

The images composed by recording at a set exposure time (shutter speed) are displayed, allowing the images to be confirmed as recording proceeds.

This allows you to reduce the overall brightness for recording, so it is convenient for recording the light trails of stars or fireworks against a bright nightscape.


bullet02Use a tripod to minimize camera shake.

  1. Set the recording mode to [M].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Set [Live View Composite].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-other] character_arrow [Live View Composite]


  1. Start Live View Composite recording.

character_bullet-largeSelect [Start] and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

  1. Decide on the composition and then fix the camera in place.

  1. Set the shutter speed and ISO sensitivity.

character_bullet-largeRotate image_rear-dial_s to set the shutter speed.

character_bullet-largePress [ISO], then rotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s, or button_control-dial_s to set the ISO sensitivity.

bullet02The shutter speed can be set in the range between 60 seconds and 1/1.6 of a second. The range of ISO sensitivities you can set depends on the Photo Style used.

bullet02The ISO sensitivity can be set in the range between [100] and [1600] ([50] and [1600] when [Extended ISO] is set).

  1. Get the image to use for noise reduction.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button fully.

  1. Start recording.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button fully.

bullet02Recording is done according to the settings in Step 5, and images processed with noise reduction are merged a frame at a time.

(A) Histogram display

(B) Shutter speed × Number of images merged

(C) Elapsed time


  1. Stop recording.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button fully.

bullet02A maximum of 3 hours can be recorded with one Live View Composite recording.

(Recording automatically ends when the time exceeds 3 hours.)

  1. End [Live View Composite].

character_bullet-largePress [Q].

character_diamondSetting Items ([Live View Composite])


Starts Live View Composite recording.

[Shutter Delay]

Sets the delay time from when the shutter button is pressed until the shutter is released.

[8 SEC]/[4 SEC]/[2 SEC]/[1 SEC]/[OFF]


bullet02[Long Exposure NR] will be [ON].

bullet02When recording with the flash, the flash fires only in the first frame.

bullet02Some menus are not displayed after getting the noise reduction image.

bullet02The image for noise reduction is discarded when you do the following. Do Step 6 again.

– Modify the shutter speed/ISO sensitivity

– Switch the playback mode

bullet02When pressing the shutter button fully to end recording, the last image may not be merged.

bullet02During Live View Composite recording, audio is not output to an external device connected by HDMI.

bullet02[Live View Composite] is not available when using the following functions:

– [ELEC.]/[ELEC.+NR] ([Shutter Type])

– High Resolution mode

– [Filter Settings]

– [Silent Mode]