
Main Assist Functions

character_bullet-large[Flicker Decrease (Video)]

character_bullet-large[SS/Gain Operation]

character_bullet-large[WFM/Vector Scope]

character_bullet-large[Luminance Spot Meter]

character_bullet-large[Zebra Pattern]

character_bullet-large[Frame Marker]

character_bullet-largeColor Bars/Test Tone


bullet02The [Custom] ([Monitor / Display (Video)]) menu has display assist functions such as the center marker and safety zone marker:

(character_reference[Custom] menu ([Monitor / Display (Video)]))

[Flicker Decrease (Video)]



The shutter speed can be fixed to reduce the flicker or striping in the video.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow Select [Flicker Decrease (Video)]




bullet02This can be set when [Auto Exposure in P/A/S/M] is [ON]. (character_reference[Auto Exposure in P/A/S/M])

[SS/Gain Operation]



You can switch the units of shutter speed values and gain (sensitivity) values.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow Select [SS/Gain Operation]


Displays the shutter speed in seconds and the gain in ISO.


Displays the shutter speed in degrees and the gain in ISO.

bullet02The angle can be set in a range between 11° and 357°.

(when [Synchro Scan(Video)] is set to [OFF])

bullet02When recording with [Variable Frame Rate], the angle can be set in the following ranges, according to the frame rate setting:

– 1 fps: 11° to 45°

– 2 fps: 11° to 90°

– 12 fps or more: 11° to 355°


Displays the shutter speed in seconds and the gain in dB.

bullet02The setting items for gain are as follows:

– Normal: [AUTO], [0dB] to [42dB]

– When [Extended Gain Setting] is set: [−6dB] to [42dB]

bullet020 dB corresponds to either of the following ISO sensitivity values.

– Normal: 100

– When [V-Log]/[REAL TIME LUT] (base Photo Style is [V-Log]) is set in [Photo Style]: 500 (sensor output 60 fps or lower)/250 (sensor output 61 fps or higher)

– When [ARRI LogC3]/[REAL TIME LUT] (base Photo Style is [ARRI LogC3]) is set in [Photo Style]: 320 (sensor output 60 fps or lower)/160 (sensor output 61 fps or higher)

– When [Hybrid Log Gamma] is set in [Photo Style]: 250


bullet02The range of gains you can set depends on the Photo Style used.

bullet02When [SS/Gain Operation] is set to [SEC/dB], menu names change as shown below:

– [ISO Sensitivity (video)] character_arrow [Gain Setting]

– [ISO Auto Lower Limit Setting] character_arrow [Auto Gain Lower Limit Setting]

– [ISO Auto Upper Limit Setting] character_arrow [Auto Gain Upper Limit Setting]

– [Extended ISO] character_arrow [Extended Gain Setting]

– [ISO Displayed Setting] character_arrow [Gain Displayed Setting]

[WFM/Vector Scope]



This displays the waveform monitor or the vector scope on the recording screen. You can change the size of the waveform display.

  1. Set the recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Set [WFM/Vector Scope].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_video-display-output] character_arrow [WFM/Vector Scope]


Displays a waveform.


Displays the vector scope.


  1. Select the position to display.

character_bullet-largePress character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right to select and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02Positions can be moved to the diagonal directions using the joystick.

bullet02You can also move using touch operations.

bullet02You can rotate image_rear-dial_s to change the size of the waveform.

bullet02To return the waveform or vector scope position back to the center, press [DISP.]. With waveform, pressing [DISP.] once again returns the size to the default setting.


character_diamondScreen Displays


bullet02The waveform displayed on the camera indicates the luminance as values based on the conversions below:

0 % (IREcharacter_asterisk): Luminance value 16 (8 bit)/64 (10 bit)

100 % (IREcharacter_asterisk): Luminance value 235 (8 bit)/940 (10 bit)

  1. IRE: Institute of Radio Engineers


(A) 109 % (IRE) (Dotted line)

(B) 100 % (IRE)

(C) 50 % (IRE)

(D) 0 % (IRE)

(E) −4 % (IRE) (Dotted line)

(F) The range between 0 % and 100 % shows dotted lines at intervals of 10 %.

Display example)


Vector scope


(G) R (Red)

(H) YL (Yellow)

(I) G (Green)

(J) MG (Magenta)

(K) B (Blue)

(L) CY (Cyan)

Display example)



bullet02When you assign the function to an Fn button, you can switch between displaying and hiding these during recording of video. (character_referenceFn Buttons)

bullet02You can also change the position by dragging on the recording screen.

bullet02The waveform and vector scope are not output through HDMI.

[Luminance Spot Meter]



Specify any spot on the subject to measure the luminance over a small area.

  1. Set [Luminance Spot Meter].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_video-display-output] character_arrow [Luminance Spot Meter] character_arrow [ON]

  1. Select the position where you want to measure the luminance.

character_bullet-largePress character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right to select and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02Positions can be moved to the diagonal directions using the joystick.

bullet02You can also change the position by dragging the frame on the recording screen.

bullet02To return the position back to the center, press [DISP.].


(M) Luminance value

character_diamondMeasurement Range

Measuring is possible in the range −7 % to 109 % (IRE).

bullet02When [Photo Style] is set to [V-Log]/[ARRI LogC3], or when a LUT file has not been applied in [REAL TIME LUT] (base Photo Style is [V-Log]/[ARRI LogC3]), this is measured with “Stop” units. (18 % gray output level is calculated as 0 Stop)

[Zebra Pattern]



Parts that are brighter than the base value are displayed with stripes.

You can also set the base value and the breadth of the range so that the stripes are displayed on parts that are within the range of brightness you specify.







button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_video-display-output] character_arrow Select [Zebra Pattern]


Parts that are brighter than the base value are displayed with [ZEBRA1] stripes.


Parts that are brighter than the base value are displayed with [ZEBRA2] stripes.


Both [ZEBRA1] and [ZEBRA2] are displayed.



Sets the base brightness.

[Zebra 1]

[50%] to [105%]/[BASE/RANGE]

[Zebra 2]

[50%] to [105%]/[BASE/RANGE]

character_diamondWhen [BASE/RANGE] Was Selected with [SET]

Centered on the brightness set with [Base Level], parts with the brightness in the range set in [Range] are displayed with the stripes.

character_bullet-large[Base Level] can be set in the range between 0 % and 109 % (IRE).

character_bullet-large[Range] can be set in the range between ±1 % and ±10 % (IRE).

bullet02When [Photo Style] is set to [V-Log]/[ARRI LogC3], or when a LUT file has not been applied in [REAL TIME LUT] (base Photo Style is [V-Log]/[ARRI LogC3]), this is measured with “Stop” units. (18 % gray output level is calculated as 0 Stop)


bullet02[ZEBRA1+2] cannot be selected while you are setting [BASE/RANGE].

[Frame Marker]



A frame with the set aspect ratio is displayed on the recording screen. This allows you to see during recording the angle of view that will be achieved with trimming (cropping) in post-processing.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_video-display-output] character_arrow Select [Frame Marker]


Displays the Video Frame Marker on the recording screen.



[Frame Aspect]

Sets the aspect ratio of the Video Frame Marker.


[Frame Color]

Sets the color of the Video Frame Marker.

[Frame Mask]

Sets the opacity of the outside of the Video Frame Marker.


character_diamondWhen [CUSTOM] Is Selected with [Frame Aspect] in [SET]

You can freely set the aspect ratio of the frame.

character_bullet-largePress character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right to move the center position.

bullet02Positions can be moved to the diagonal directions using the joystick.

bullet02You can also change the position by dragging the frame on the recording screen.

character_bullet-largeSet the height of the frame with [image_front-dial_s], and the width with [image_rear-dial_s].

bullet02You can also pinch out/pinch in the frame to change the size.


(N) Center coordinates (0 being the center of the screen)

(O) Height and width of the frame

bullet02The aspect ratio can be set in the range between 1 % to 100 %.

bullet02The first press of [DISP.] returns the frame position to the center.

The second press returns the frame size to the default.

Color Bars/Test Tone



The color bars are displayed on the recording screen.

A test tone is output while the color bars are being displayed.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_video-display-output] character_arrow Select [Color Bars]

Settings: [SMPTE]/[EBU]/[ARIB]

bullet02To end the display, press button_menu-set.







character_diamondAdjusting the Test Tone

There are 4 levels ([−12dB], [−18dB], [−20dB], and [MUTE]) of test tone to select.

Rotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s or button_control-dial_s to select the test tone level.


bullet02The color bars and test tone will be recorded on the video if video recording is started while the color bars are being displayed.

bullet02The brightness and coloring that appear on the camera’s monitor or viewfinder may differ from those that appear on another device such as an external monitor.