
Selecting the Focus Mode



Select the focusing method (focus mode) to match subject movement.

It is also possible to customize the AF tracking features with [AFC]. (character_reference[AF Custom Setting(Photo)])

Set the focus mode lever.


[S] ([AFS])

This is suitable for recording still subjects.

When the shutter button is pressed halfway, the camera focuses once.

The focus stays locked while the shutter button is pressed halfway.

[C] ([AFC])

This is suitable for recording moving subjects.

While the shutter button is pressed halfway, the focus is constantly adjusted according to the movement of the subject.

bullet02This predicts the movement of the subject, maintaining focusing. (Movement prediction)


Manual focusing. Use this when you want to fix the focus or avoid activating AF. (character_referenceRecord Using MF)


bullet02In the following cases, [AFC] works the same as [AFS] when the shutter button is pressed halfway:

– [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode

– During video recording

– In low light situations

bullet02When the following function is being used, [AFC] switches to [AFS]:

– High Resolution mode