
Using “LUMIX Lab”

character_bullet-largeLUT Library Operations

character_bullet-largeImport images

character_bullet-large[Auto Transfer]

character_bullet-large[Location Logging]

This explains the functions for operating the camera from “LUMIX Lab”.

LUT Library Operations

Operate “LUMIX Lab” to update the [LUT Library] in the camera.

Getting started:

bullet02Connect the camera to a smartphone by Bluetooth. (character_referenceConnecting to a Smartphone (Bluetooth Connection))

bullet02On the smartphone, start up “LUMIX Lab”.

  1. Select [LUT Transfer] in the [Camera] screen.

bullet02Connect to the camera with Wi-Fi. Select [Join] to start the connection.


(A) [LUT Transfer]

  1. Select the LUT file in the [LUT Library] screen to edit.

bullet02You can transfer, rename, delete or reorder your LUT files.

bullet02A list of LUT files saved to “LUMIX Lab” is shown in [Device].

bullet02A list of LUT files saved to the camera is shown in [Camera].


  1. Select from [Device] the LUT file to transfer.

  1. Select [Transfer to Camera] and update the [LUT Library] on the camera.


bullet02When the following function is being used, [Bluetooth] is not available:

– [ Connection]

Import images

Operate “LUMIX Lab” to transfer images from the camera to your smartphone.

Getting started:

bullet02Connect the camera to a smartphone. (character_referenceConnecting to a Smartphone (Bluetooth Connection))

bullet02On the smartphone, start up “LUMIX Lab”.

  1. Select [Transfer Photo / Video] in the [Camera] screen.

bullet02Connect to the camera with Wi-Fi. Select [Join] to start the connection.

  1. Select the image to transfer.

character_bullet-largeTouch the checkbox to select.


  1. Transfer the image.

character_bullet-largeSelect [icon_transferlab].



bullet02It is not possible to transfer images with file sizes exceeding 4 GB.

bullet02Images recorded using the following function cannot be transferred:

– [MOV], [Apple ProRes] videos

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Bluetooth] is not available:

– [ Connection]

bullet02The transfer speed slows when the camera temperature rises.

[Auto Transfer]

You can automatically transfer images from the camera to your smartphone as they are taken.

Getting started:

bullet02Connect the camera to a smartphone by Bluetooth. (character_referenceConnecting to a Smartphone (Bluetooth Connection))

  1. Enable [Auto Transfer] on the camera.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_setup-menu] character_arrow [icon_setup-inout] character_arrow [Bluetooth] character_arrow [Auto Transfer] character_arrow [ON]

character_bullet-largeThe function can also be enabled in “LUMIX Lab”.

bullet02Connect to the smartphone with Wi-Fi.

  1. Check the send settings on the camera and then press button_menu-set.

bullet02To change the send setting, press [DISP.]. (character_referenceImage Send Settings)

bullet02Automatic image transfer is possible when [icon_wi-fi-sending1] is displayed on the camera recording screen.


  1. Record with the camera.

bullet02[icon_wi-fi-sending2] is displayed in the recording screen of the camera while a file is being sent.

character_diamondTo Stop the Automatic Transfer of Images

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_setup-menu] character_arrow [icon_setup-inout] character_arrow [Bluetooth] character_arrow [Auto Transfer] character_arrow Select [OFF]

character_bullet-largeA confirmation screen is displayed, asking you to terminate the Wi-Fi connection.


bullet02If the [Bluetooth Function] and [Auto Transfer] settings of the camera are [ON], the camera automatically connects to the smartphone via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you turn on the camera.

Start up the “LUMIX Lab” on the smartphone to connect to the camera. Note that if “LUMIX Sync” is running on the smartphone, automatic image transfer may not work properly.


bullet02When [Auto Transfer] is set to [ON], [Wi-Fi Function] cannot be used.

bullet02Automatic image transfer is interrupted while recording or playing back videos. The transfer starts at the start of the file where it was interrupted when the transmission restarts.

bullet02If the camera is turned off during image transfer, and the file sending is interrupted, then turn on the camera to restart the sending.

– If the storage status of unsent files changes, then sending of files may no longer be possible.

– If there are many unsent files, then sending of all files may not be possible.

bullet02If automatic image transfer is performed in places where the ambient temperature is high, communications may be interrupted.

The camera automatically reconnects when its temperature goes down and automatic image transfer restarts.

If automatic image transfer does not restart, turn the camera off then on again to reconnect.

bullet02Images recorded with the following function cannot be transferred automatically:

– Video recording

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Bluetooth] is not available:

– [ Connection]

[Location Logging]

The smartphone sends its location information to the camera via Bluetooth, and the camera performs recording while writing the acquired location information.

Getting started:

bullet02Enable the GPS function on the smartphone.

bullet02Connect the camera to a smartphone by Bluetooth. (character_referenceConnecting to a Smartphone (Bluetooth Connection))

  1. Enable [Location Logging] on the camera.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_setup-menu] character_arrow [icon_setup-inout] character_arrow [Bluetooth] character_arrow [Location Logging] character_arrow [ON]

character_bullet-largeThe function can also be enabled in “LUMIX Lab”.

bullet02The camera will enter a mode where location information can be recorded and [icon_gps] is displayed in the recording screen of the camera.

  1. Record images with the camera.

bullet02Location information will be written to the recorded images.


bullet02When [icon_gps] on the recording screen appears translucent, location information cannot be acquired, therefore data cannot be written.

Smartphone GPS positioning may not be possible if the smartphone is within a building, a bag, or similar. Move the smartphone to a position affording a wide view of the sky to improve positioning performance.

In addition, refer to the operating instructions of your smartphone.

bullet02Images with location information are indicated with [icon_gps].

bullet02Be sure to pay special attention to the privacy, the likeness rights, etc. of the subject when you use this function. Use at your own risk.

bullet02The smartphone drains its battery faster while acquiring location information.

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Bluetooth] is not available:

– [ Connection]