
Video Brightness and Coloring

character_bullet-large[Luminance Level]

character_bullet-large[Master Pedestal Level]

character_bullet-largeRecording While Controlling Overexposure (Knee)

character_bullet-large[ISO Sensitivity (video)]

[Luminance Level]



You can set the luminance range to suit the purpose of video recording.

You can set to [16-235] or [16-255], the standard for video, or to [0-255], which covers the entire range of luminance, the same as pictures.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow Select [Luminance Level]


Setting for video recording at full range.


Setting for video recording at video range.


Setting for video recording at video range.

bullet02The display may not show the correct gradation depending on the monitor, the video playback software, and the video editing software that you are using.


bullet02When set to a 10-bit [Rec Quality], the setting items change to [0-1023], [64-940], and [64-1023].

bullet02When [Rec. File Format] is set to 422 HQ or 422 in [Apple ProRes], this is fixed to [16-235] ([64-940]).

bullet02When [Rec. File Format] is set to [MP4] or [MOV] and [Photo Style] is set to [V-Log] or [REAL TIME LUT] (base Photo Style is [V-Log]), this is fixed to [0-255] ([0-1023]). However, even if [Photo Style] is set to [REAL TIME LUT] (base Photo Style is [V-Log]) or Photo Style is set to [V-Log] in My Photo Style, if a [Vlog_709] LUT file has been applied, this is fixed to[16-255] ([64-1023]).

bullet02When the [Photo Style] is set to [ARRI LogC3], [Hybrid Log Gamma], or [REAL TIME LUT] (base Photo Style is [ARRI LogC3] or [Hybrid Log Gamma]), this is fixed to [64-940].

[Master Pedestal Level]



You can adjust the black level, which serves as the reference for images.

  1. Set the recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Select [Master Pedestal Level].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow [Master Pedestal Level]

  1. Adjust master pedestal.

character_bullet-largeRotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s or button_control-dial_s.

bullet02Set in the range between −15 and +15.



bullet02[Master Pedestal Level] is not available when using the following function:

– [V-Log]/[ARRI LogC3]/[REAL TIME LUT] ([Photo Style])

Recording While Controlling Overexposure (Knee)



When [Photo Style] is set to [Like709], you can adjust the knee so that recording can be performed with minimal overexposure.

  1. Set [Photo Style] to [Like709].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow [Photo Style] character_arrow [Like709]

  1. Press [Q].

  1. Select a knee setting.

character_bullet-largePress character_leftcharacter_right to select a setting item.



Adjusts the compression levels of high-luminance areas automatically.


You can set the luminance where compression starts (knee master point) and the intensity of compression (knee master slope).

Press character_upcharacter_down to select an item and then press character_leftcharacter_right to adjust.

[POINT]: Master knee point

[SLOPE]: Master knee slope

bullet02Rotate image_front-dial_s to adjust the knee master point, and image_rear-dial_s to adjust the knee master slope.

bullet02Values within the following ranges can be set:

– Master knee point: 80.0 to 107.0

– Master knee slope: 0 to 99


  1. Confirm your selection.

character_bullet-largePress button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

[ISO Sensitivity (video)]



Sets the lower and upper limits for ISO sensitivity when ISO sensitivity is set to [AUTO].

  1. Set the recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Set [ISO Sensitivity (video)].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow [ISO Sensitivity (video)]

character_diamondSetting Items ([ISO Sensitivity (video)])

[ISO Auto Lower Limit Setting]

Sets the lower limit for ISO sensitivity when ISO sensitivity is [AUTO].

bullet02Sensor output 60 fps or lower: Set in the range between [100] and [6400].

bullet02Sensor output 61 fps or higher: Set in the range between [100] and [1600].

[ISO Auto Upper Limit Setting]

Sets the upper limit for ISO sensitivity when ISO sensitivity is [AUTO].

bullet02Sensor output 60 fps or lower: Set to [AUTO] or in the range between [200] and [12800].

bullet02Sensor output 61 fps or higher: Set to [AUTO] or in the range between [200] and [3200].


bullet02The range of ISO sensitivities you can set depends on the Photo Style used.