
HLG Videos

character_bullet-large[HLG View Assist]



Record videos with the wide dynamic range of the HLG format. You can record in very bright light where overexposure can occur or in dark areas where underexposure can occur, maintaining the rich yet subtle colors you can see with your naked eye.

You can view the video that you record by outputting via HDMI to devices (TVs, etc.) that support the HLG format, or playing back directly on supporting devices.

bullet02“HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma)” is an international standard (ITU-R BT.2100) HDR format.

  1. Set the recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Select a recording quality with which you can record HLG video.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Rec Quality]

bullet02Items available for recording with HLG video are indicated as [HLG available].

bullet02Recording qualities with which you can record HLG video (character_referenceList of Recording Qualities That Enable Special Videos to be Recorded)


  1. Set [Photo Style] to [Hybrid Log Gamma].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-quality] character_arrow [Photo Style] character_arrow [Hybrid Log Gamma]



bullet02The monitor and viewfinder on this camera do not support display of HLG format images.

With [Monitor] in [HLG View Assist] in the [Custom] ([Monitor / Display (Video)]) menu, you can display the images converted for monitoring on the monitor/viewfinder of this camera. (character_reference[HLG View Assist])


bullet02HLG images are shown dark on devices that do not support the HLG format. With [HDMI] in [HLG View Assist] in the [Custom] ([Monitor / Display (Video)]) menu, you can set the conversion method for images displayed for monitoring. (character_reference[HLG View Assist])

character_diamondISO Sensitivity When [Hybrid Log Gamma] Is Set

The lower limit of available ISO sensitivities will become [250].

[HLG View Assist]

At recording or playback of HLG video, this displays images with converted color gamut and brightness on the camera monitor/viewfinder, or outputs these over HDMI.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_video-display-output] character_arrow [HLG View Assist] character_arrow [Monitor] or [HDMI]


Converts images before outputting them via HDMI while applying the effect of [MODE2]. This conversion setting works only when the camera is connected to a device that does not support HDR (HLG format).


Converts with an emphasis on bright areas such as sky.

bullet02[MODE1] is displayed on the recording screen.


Converts with an emphasis on the brightness of a main subject.

bullet02[MODE2] is displayed on the recording screen.


Displays without converting color gamut and brightness.

bullet02HLG images appear darker on devices that do not support the HLG format.

  1. Can only be set while [HDMI] is selected.