
Bracket Recording



When the shutter button is pressed, the camera can record multiple images while automatically changing the setting value for exposure, aperture, focus or white balance (adjustment value or color temperature).


bullet02Aperture Bracket can be selected in the following modes:

– [A] mode

– [M] mode (when ISO sensitivity is set to [AUTO])

bullet02White Balance Bracket (Color Temperature) can be selected when the white balance is set to [icon_wb-k-set1], [icon_wb-k-set2], [icon_wb-k-set3], or [icon_wb-k-set4].

  1. Set [Bracketing Type].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-other] character_arrow [Bracketing] character_arrow [Bracketing Type]


  1. Set [More Settings].

character_bullet-largeFor information about [More Settings], refer to page for each bracketing method.


  1. Close the menu.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button halfway.

  1. Focus on the subject and then take pictures.

character_diamondSetting Items ([Bracketing Type])

[icon_braket-expo_s] (Exposure Bracket)

When the shutter button is pressed, the camera records while changing the exposure. (character_reference[More Settings] (Exposure Bracket))

[icon_braket-f_s] (Aperture Bracket)

When the shutter button is pressed, the camera records while changing the aperture value. (character_reference[More Settings] (Aperture Bracket))

[icon_braket-focus_s] (Focus Bracket)

When the shutter button is pressed, the camera records while changing the focus point. (character_reference[More Settings] (Focus Bracket))

[icon_braket-wb-adjust_s] (White Balance Bracket)

When the shutter button is pressed once, the camera automatically records three images with the different white balance adjustment values. (character_reference[More Settings] (White Balance Bracket))

[icon_braket-wb-color-temp_s] (White Balance Bracket (Color Temperature))

When the shutter button is pressed once, the camera automatically records three images with the different white balance color temperatures. (character_reference[More Settings] (White Balance Bracket (Color Temperature)))


character_diamondHow to Cancel Bracketing

Select [OFF] in Step 1.


bullet02White Balance Bracket and White Balance Bracket (Color Temperature) are not available when using the following functions:

– [iA] mode

– Taking burst pictures

– [RAW+FINE]/[RAW+STD.]/[RAW] ([Picture Quality])

– [Filter Settings]

bullet02Bracket recording is not available while you are using the following functions:

– SH burst recording

– [Time Lapse Shot]

– [Stop Motion Animation] (when [Auto Shooting] is set)

– High Resolution mode

– [Live View Composite]

character_diamond[More Settings] (Exposure Bracket)


Sets the image count and exposure compensation step.

[3•1/3] (record 3 images in 1/3 EV steps) to [7•1] (record 7 images in 1 EV steps)


Sets the order in which images are recorded.

[Single Shot Setting]

[icon_auto-bracket-single]: Takes only one image each time the shutter button is pressed.

[icon_auto-bracket-burst]: Takes all of the set number of images when the shutter button is pressed once.

bullet02The [BKT] icon blinks until all of the set number of pictures is taken.


bullet02When you record images with Exposure Bracket after setting the exposure compensation value, the images recorded are based on the selected exposure compensation value.

character_diamond[More Settings] (Aperture Bracket)

[Image Count]

[3]/[5]: Records the set number of images while alternately setting the aperture value in the sequence of one before and then one after using the initial aperture value as the reference.

[ALL]: Records images using all aperture values.

Example when the initial position is set to F8.0 (H-ES12060)


(1) 1st image, (2) 2nd image, (3) 3rd image ... (7) 7th image

character_diamond[More Settings] (Focus Bracket)


Sets the focus adjustment step.

bullet02The distance that the focus point is moved becomes shorter if the initial focus point is close, and longer if it is far away.

[Image Count]

Sets the image count.

bullet02This cannot be set when taking burst pictures.

Burst pictures are taken while the shutter button is pressed.


[0/−/+]: Records while alternately moving the focus point in the sequence of forward and then backward using the initial focus point as the reference.

[0/+]: Records while moving the focus point toward the far side using the initial focus point as the reference.

Example when [Sequence]: [0/−/+] is set


Example when [Sequence]: [0/+] is set


(A) Focus: closer

(B) Focus: more distant

(1) 1st image, (2) 2nd image ... (5) 5th image ...


bullet02When [Focus Limiter] is set, recording is within the set range where AF works.

bullet02Pictures recorded with Focus Bracket are displayed as images of one group. (character_referenceGroup Images)

character_diamond[More Settings] (White Balance Bracket)

Rotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s or button_control-dial_s to set the correction step and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

Rotate to the right:

Horizontal direction ([A] - [B])

Rotate to the left:

Vertical direction ([G] - [M])

bullet02The correction step can also be set by touching [icon_touch-wb-bracket-wide2]/[icon_touch-wb-bracket-wide]/[icon_touch-wb-bracket-height]/[icon_touch-wb-bracket-height2].


character_diamond[More Settings] (White Balance Bracket (Color Temperature))

Rotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s or button_control-dial_s to set the correction step and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02The correction step can also be set by touching [icon_touch-wb-bracket-height]/[icon_touch-wb-bracket-height2].
