
Time Code

character_bullet-largeSetting the Time Code



When [Rec. File Format] is set to [MOV] or [Apple ProRes], the time code is automatically recorded during video recording. If [MP4], the time code is not recorded.

Setting the Time Code

Sets the recording, display, and output of the time code.

  1. Set [Rec. File Format] to [MOV] or [Apple ProRes].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Rec. File Format] character_arrow [MOV]/[Apple ProRes]

  1. Select [Time Code].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Time Code]

[Time Code Display]

Displays the time code on the recording screen/playback screen.

[Count Up]

[REC RUN]: Counts the time code only when recording videos.

[FREE RUN]: Counts the time code also when video recording is stopped and when the camera is turned off.

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Count Up] is fixed to [REC RUN]:

– [Variable Frame Rate]

[Time Code Value]

[Reset]: Sets to 00:00:00:00 (hour: minute: second: frame)

[Manual Input]: Manually input hour, minute, second and frame.

[Current Time]: Sets hour, minute and second to current time and sets frame to 00.

[Time Code Mode]

[DF]: Drop Frame. The camera modifies the difference between recorded time and time code.

bullet02Seconds and frames are separated by “.”. (Example: 00:00:00.00)

[NDF]: Non-Drop Frame. Records the time code without drop frame.

bullet02Seconds and frames are separated by “:”. (Example: 00:00:00:00)

bullet02When the following functions are being used, [Time Code Mode] is fixed to [NDF]:

– [50.00Hz (PAL)]/[24.00Hz (CINEMA)] ([System Frequency])

– 47.95p or 23.98p [Rec Quality]

[HDMI Time Code Output]

Time code information is added to images output via HDMI when recording with the [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode.

bullet02The time code can also be output via HDMI by setting the mode dial to [icon_mode-p-motion_table] during playback. In the [Setup] ([IN/OUT]) menu, set [Output Resolution(Playback)] in [HDMI Connection] to [AUTO]. (character_reference[Output Resolution(Playback)])

bullet02The device screen may go dark depending on the connected device.

[External TC Setting]

Synchronize the time code default value with an external device that supports time code input and output. (character_referenceSynchronizing the Time Code with an External Device)

[TC Synchronization]: Selects the input and output for time code signals.

[TC Output Reference]: Sets the timing for time code signal output.