
Using AF (Video)

character_bullet-large[Continuous AF]

character_bullet-large[AF Custom Setting(Video)]

character_bullet-large[Enlarged Live Display(Video)]

[Continuous AF]



You can select how to set the focus in AF when recording videos.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-focus] character_arrow Select [Continuous AF]


The camera continues to automatically focus only during recording.


The camera automatically keeps focusing on subjects during recording standby and during recording.

bullet02This is available in [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode.


The camera maintains the focus point at the start of recording.


bullet02In the [iA] mode, the camera automatically keeps focusing during recording standby, irrespective of the [Continuous AF] setting.

bullet02Depending on the recording conditions or lens used, the AF operation sound may be recorded during video recording.

If the operation sound bothers you, we recommend recording with [Continuous AF] set to [OFF].

bullet02If the zoom is operated while recording videos, the subject may take a while to come into focus.

bullet02[MODE1] switches to [MODE2] when outputting via HDMI in the [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode.

bullet02When set to [MODE2], the battery drains faster.

[AF Custom Setting(Video)]



You can fine-adjust the focusing method for video recording using [Continuous AF].

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-focus] character_arrow Select [AF Custom Setting(Video)]


Enables the following settings.


Disables the following settings.


[AF Speed]

[+] side: Focus moves at a faster speed.

[−] side: Focus moves at a slower speed.

[AF Sensitivity]

[+] side: When the distance to the subject changes significantly, the camera immediately readjusts the focus.

[−] side: When the distance to the subject changes significantly, the camera waits for a little before readjusting the focus.

bullet02A description of the item is displayed on the screen when you press [DISP.].

[Enlarged Live Display(Video)]



When the AF mode is [icon_cus-mult-af-center], [icon_1-area-plus], or [icon_1-point-af_blue], or when recording with MF, the focus point can be enlarged for display.

(When the AF mode is [icon_af-tracking_blue] or [icon_23-points-af_blue], the center of the screen is enlarged for display.)

The focus point can also be enlarged for checking when recording videos.

bullet02You can also perform the same operation by pressing the Fn button registered with [Enlarged Live Display(Video)]. (character_referenceFn Buttons)

Press the enlarged live display (video) button to enlarge display of the focus point.

bullet02The operations on the enlarged display screen are the same as the MF Assist screen operations. (character_referenceOperations on the MF Assist Screen)




bullet02If you use the following functions, enlarged display magnifications is fixed at 3×:

– [Crop Zoom(Video)]

bullet02Depending on the lens used, the video enlarged display of live view screen may not be displayed.

bullet02During video recording using the following functions, the video enlarged display of live view screen cannot be displayed:

– [Rec Quality] with a high frame rate video exceeding a recording frame rate of 60.00p

– [Variable Frame Rate]

– [Live Cropping]

bullet02When an interchangeable lens with no focus ring is attached, while you are using the following function, the video enlarged display of live view screen cannot be displayed:

– [Variable Frame Rate]


bullet02You can change the display method of the enlarged display screen:

(character_reference[Enlarged Live Display(Video)])

bullet02You can set whether to output the enlarged display to an external device connected via HDMI:

(character_referenceOutputting the Enlarged Live Display (Video) via HDMI)