
Deleting Images


bullet02Images cannot be restored once they have been deleted. Carefully confirm the images before deletion.

bullet02You can only delete the images in the card of the selected card slot.

bullet02If you delete a group image, all images in the group are deleted.

  1. Press [button_delete_s] in playback state.


  1. Press character_upcharacter_down to select the deletion method and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

[Delete Single]

Deletes the selected image.

[Delete Multi]

Selecting and deleting multiple images.

  1. Press character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right to select the image to delete and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02[button_delete_s] is displayed for the selected image.

bullet02If you press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s again, the selection is canceled.

bullet02Up to 100 images can be selected.

  1. Press [DISP.] to delete the selected image.


bullet02To switch the card selected for deleting images, press [button_af-mode] and then select the card slot.


bullet02Depending on the number of images to be deleted, it may take some time to delete them.

bullet02Images cannot be deleted when the following function is being used:

– [Auto Transfer] (when there is an image queued to be transferred)

– [Send Images to] (when there is an image in the upload queue)


bullet02You can set which of [Yes] and [No] is selected initially in the confirmation screen when deleting:

(character_reference[Delete Confirmation])

bullet02All images on the card can be deleted:

(character_reference[Delete All Images])