
Record Using MF

character_bullet-large[Focus Peaking]



MF (Manual Focus) refers to manual focusing.

Use this function when you want to fix the focus or when the distance between the lens and the subject is determined and you do not want to activate AF.

  1. Set the focus mode to [MF].

character_bullet-largeSet the focus mode lever. (character_referenceSelecting the Focus Mode)

  1. Select the focus point.

character_bullet-largeTilt the joystick to select the focus point.

bullet02To return the point to be brought into focus to the center, press [DISP.].


  1. Confirm your selection.

character_bullet-largePress button_joy-stick-push_s.

character_bullet-largeThis switches to the MF Assist screen, and shows an enlarged display.

  1. Adjust the focus.

character_bullet-largeRotate the focus ring.


bullet02This will display the in-focus portion highlighted with color. (Focus Peaking)

bullet02A recording distance guideline is displayed. (MF Guide)


(A) MF Assist (enlarged screen)

(B) Focus Peaking

(C) Indicator for character_infinity (infinity)

(D) MF Guide

  1. Close the MF Assist screen.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button halfway.

character_bullet-largeThis operation can also be performed by pressing button_joy-stick-push_s.

  1. Start recording.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button fully.

character_diamondOperations on the MF Assist Screen

Button operations

Touch operations

Description of operation



Moves the enlarged display position.

bullet02Positions can be moved to the diagonal directions using the joystick.


Pinch out/pinch in

Enlarges/reduces the screen in small steps.


Enlarges/reduces the screen.



Switches magnification window (windowed modecharacter_asterisk1/full screen modecharacter_asterisk2).




First time: Returns the MF Assist position to the center.

Second time: Returns the MF Assist magnification to the default setting.



The AF operates.

  1. You can enlarge by approx. 3× to 6×.

  1. You can enlarge by approx. 3× to 20×. (Maximum 6× during video recording, when [Enlarged Live Display] in [HDMI Rec Output] is set to [OFF] during HDMI output, and when in [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode)


bullet02On the recording screen, you can rotate the focus ring to display the MF Assist screen. If the focus ring has been rotated to enlarge the display, the assist screen will be exited a short time after you cease the operation.

bullet02You can also display the MF Assist screen by pressing the [button_af-mode].

bullet02During MF, pressing [AF ON] will activate AF.

bullet02The MF Assist screen can also be displayed during video recording.

bullet02The recording distance reference mark indicates the position of the imaging surface. This becomes the reference when measuring the recording distance.



bullet02When [Crop Zoom(Photo)] or [Crop Zoom(Video)] is [ON], the MF Assist magnification rate is between about 3× to 6×. (However, during video recording or in [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode, this is fixed to 3×.)

bullet02While you are using the following function, the MF Assist screen will not be displayed:

– SH burst recording

bullet02During video recording using the following functions, the MF Assist screen cannot be displayed:

– [Rec Quality] with a high frame rate video exceeding a recording frame rate of 60.00p

– [Variable Frame Rate]

– [Live Cropping]


bullet02You can change the Focus Peaking sensitivity and the display method:

(character_reference[Focus Peaking])

bullet02You can memorize the MF Assist position separately for vertical and horizontal orientations:

(character_reference[Focus Switching for Vert / Hor])

bullet02You can change the display method of the magnified screen:

(character_reference[MF Assist])

bullet02You can change the MF Guide display units:

(character_reference[MF Guide])

bullet02You can disable focus ring operation:

(character_reference[Focus Ring Lock])

bullet02You can set the movement of the MF Assist position to loop:

(character_reference[Looped Focus Frame])

bullet02The camera memorizes the focus point when you turn it off:

(character_reference[Lens Focus Resume])

bullet02The amount of focus movement can be set:

(character_reference[Focus Ring Control])

bullet02You can assign the function that displays the AF area/MF Assist movement screens to an Fn button:

(character_reference[Focus Area Set])

[Focus Peaking]

During MF operation, in-focus portions (portions on the screen with clear outlines) are highlighted with color.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture]/[icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-focus] character_arrow Select [Focus Peaking]


Focus Peaking display is performed.



[Focus Peaking Sensitivity]

If adjusted to the negative direction, portions to be highlighted are reduced, allowing you to achieve a more precise focus.

[Display Color]

You can set the display color of the in-focus portion.

[Display During AFS]

When set to [ON], the Focus Peaking display is also possible when the shutter button is pressed halfway in the [AFS] focus mode.

[Display During MF]

[While In Live View]: Focus Peaking is displayed in the recording screen.

[While Live View Is Enlarged]: Focus Peaking is displayed in the MF Assist screen and the video enlarged display of live view screen.

[When Shutter Is Pressed]: When set to [OFF], Focus Peaking is hidden when the shutter is pressed.


bullet02You can display the Touch Tab (character_reference[Touch Settings]) and then touch [icon_touch-peaking-mark_s] in [icon_touch-tab_l] to switch [ON]/[OFF].

bullet02When [Live View Boost] is being used, [Focus Peaking] is not available.