
Variable Frame Rate



You can record smooth slow motion video and quick motion video by using a frame rate for recording that differs from the recording frame rate.

Slow Motion Video (Overcrank Recording)

Set a number of frames that is higher than the recording frame rate of the [Rec Quality].

For example: When recording at 48 fps when set to a 24.00p [Rec Quality], the speed is halved.

Quick Motion Video (Undercrank Recording)

Set a number of frames that is lower than the recording frame rate of the [Rec Quality].

For example: When recording at 12 fps when set to a 24.00p [Rec Quality], the speed is doubled.


bullet02Variable frame rate video with a recording quality with the ALL-Intra image compression system cannot be recorded to SD cards. Use CFexpress cards.

bullet02The volume of data recorded increases when you record slow motion video, so if the card writing speed is insufficient, recording may stop.

  1. Set the recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Set [Rec. File Format] to [MOV].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Rec. File Format] character_arrow [MOV]

  1. Select a recording quality with which you can use [Variable Frame Rate] recording.

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Rec Quality]

bullet02Items with which you can use [Variable Frame Rate] are indicated as [VFR available].

bullet02Recording qualities with which you can use [Variable Frame Rate] recording (character_reference List of Recording Qualities That Enable Special Videos to be Recorded)


  1. Set [Variable Frame Rate].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Variable Frame Rate] character_arrow [ON]

character_bullet-largePress character_leftcharacter_right to switch between [ON] and [OFF].

  1. Set the frame rate.

character_bullet-largeRotate image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s or button_control-dial_s to select a numeric value, then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

character_diamondAvailable Frame Rate Setting Ranges

The frame rate you can set differs depending on the [Rec Quality] settings.

[Rec Quality]

Frame rate

C4K/4K video that uses the Long GOP image compression system

1 fps to 120 fps

5.7K video/C4K/4K video that use the ALL-Intra image compression system

1 fps to 60 fps

FHD video that uses the Long GOP image compression system

1 fps to 300 fps

FHD video that uses the ALL-Intra image compression system

1 fps to 240 fps

character_diamondShutter Speeds When Recording Variable Frame Rate Video

When recording variable frame rate video, the minimum shutter speed changes depending on the set frame rate.

Frame rate

Minimum shutter speed

1 fps to 2 fps

1/8 of a second

12 fps

1/13 of a second

15 fps

1/15 of a second

20 fps

1/20 of a second

21 fps to 25 fps

1/25 of a second

26 fps to 30 fps

1/30 of a second

32 fps to 37 fps

1/40 of a second

45 fps to 50 fps

1/50 of a second

52 fps to 60 fps

1/60 of a second

62 fps to 75 fps

1/80 of a second

84 fps to 100 fps

1/100 of a second

105 fps to 125 fps

1/125 of a second

132 fps to 156 fps

1/160 of a second

165 fps to 200 fps

1/200 of a second

204 fps to 240 fps

1/250 of a second

250 fps to 300 fps

1/320 of a second


bullet02You can filter to show just the recording qualities where [Variable Frame Rate] can be used. (character_reference[Filtering])

bullet02We recommend using a tripod when recording images with [Variable Frame Rate].


bullet02Focus mode switches to MF.

(When using an interchangeable lens with no focus ring, you cannot set focus with MF.)

bullet02The camera automatically focuses when [AF ON] is pressed, but only before starting recording.

bullet02Audio will not be recorded during variable frame rate recording.

bullet02When set to a frame rate exceeding 60 fps, there may be some deterioration in recording quality.

bullet02When [Image Area of Video] is set to [PIXEL/PIXEL], a frame rate exceeding 120 fps cannot be set.

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Variable Frame Rate] is not available:

– [Filter Settings]