
[Video Repair]

When the recording of a video could not be completed normally, a video file that cannot be played back may be generated (extension “.mdt”).

You can repair the “.mdt” file with this function to make it playable.

bullet02Possible causes for the generation of “.mdt” files are:

– Power turns off during video recording (battery is removed, AC cable is unplugged, power outage while using the AC adaptor, etc.)

– Card removed during video recording

– Card removed while writing to card after video recording

– When an unexpected freeze occurs during video recording/while writing to the card


bullet02Videos that can be repaired are those videos recorded with the [Rec. File Format] being either [MOV] or [Apple ProRes].

Video recorded in [MP4] cannot be repaired.

bullet02As repairs can take some time, supply with power during the operation. (character_referenceUsing the Camera While Supplying It with Power (Supplying Power/Charging))

  1. Select [Video Repair].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_playback] character_arrow [icon_playback-edit-image] character_arrow [Video Repair]


  1. Select [Card Slot 1(CFexpress)] or [Card Slot 2(SD)].

character_bullet-largePress character_upcharacter_down to select, and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02Video files that can be repaired are filtered.

  1. Select the video file to repair.

character_bullet-largePress character_leftcharacter_right to select a file and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02Refer to the recording date and time (A), folder number (volume label)/file (clip) number (B), and video recording time (C) to help with selecting the video file.


  1. Select [Yes] on the confirmation screen.

bullet02Video repair starts. Repair takes some time.

bullet02The video file after repair is saved in the same folder as the file before repair.

character_diamondCanceling Video Repair

Even if you cancel video repair, the file is not deleted, so the procedure can be done over again later if required.

  1. Press either button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s in the video repair progress screen.

  1. Select [Yes] on the confirmation screen.


bullet02It may not be possible to repair videos with a short recording time.

bullet02It may not be possible to repair videos in some cases due to the state of the data.

bullet02Video repair cannot be started if there is very limited free space on the card.

bullet02Do not turn off the power or remove the card during repair.

Otherwise, the card and recorded data may be damaged.

bullet02Do not perform other operations during the repair.

bullet02You cannot repair videos recorded with devices other than this camera.

bullet02When the following functions are being used, [Video Repair] is not available:

– [Auto Transfer] (when there is an image queued to be transferred)