
Recording with Zoom

character_bullet-large[Crop Zoom(Photo)]

character_bullet-large[Crop Zoom(Video)]

character_bullet-large[Power Zoom Lens]



Use the optical zoom of the lens to zoom to telephoto or wide-angle.

Interchangeable lens with a zoom ring

Rotate the zoom ring.

(T): Telephoto

(W): Wide-angle


Interchangeable lens that supports power zoom (motorized zoom)

Move the zoom lever.

(The zoom speed varies depending on how far you move the lever.)

bullet02If you assign [Zoom Control] to an Fn button, you can operate optical zoom slowly by pressing character_leftcharacter_right or fast by pressing character_upcharacter_down. (character_referenceFn Buttons)


Interchangeable lens that does not support zoom

Optical zoom is not available.

character_bullet-largeThe focal length is displayed on the recording screen.



bullet02The focal length display can be hidden:

(character_reference[Focal Length])

[Crop Zoom(Photo)]



Cut out the central section of the image to get an enhanced telescopic effect without image quality deterioration.

It can even be used with a prime lens.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-other] character_arrow Select [Crop Zoom(Photo)]


Enables crop zoom.



[Focal Length Display Setting]

Sets how focal length is displayed.

[Composite Focal Length]: Result of the calculation “focal length of the optical zoom × crop zoom rate” (eg.: 180 mm)

[+ Crop Magnification]: The focal length of the optical zoom and the crop zoom rate (eg.: 60 mm × 3.0)

[Minimum Image Size]

A higher rate of zoom is possible the smaller the [Picture Size] is.

[M]: maximum 1.4×

[S]: maximum 2.0×

[XS]: maximum approx. 3×

[Set Recording Image Size]

[ON]: Always records with the [Picture Size] set in [Minimum Image Size].

[OFF]: [Picture Size] changes according to the zoom position.

[Zoom Speed(Photo)]

Sets the zoom speed during zoom operations.


[H], [M], [L], [SL]

character_diamondUsing [Crop Zoom(Photo)]

  1. Set [Crop Zoom(Photo)] to [ON].

bullet02button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-other] character_arrow [Crop Zoom(Photo)] character_arrow [ON]

bullet02While [Crop Zoom(Photo)] is set to [ON], zoom operations are enabled by pressing character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right. ([Zoom Control] in [Fn Button Set] is allocated to character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right.)

  1. Perform the zoom operations.



bullet02Press character_upcharacter_down or rotate image_front-dial_s/image_rear-dial_s.

bullet02When [Touch Tab] is set to [ON], you can enlarge/reduce with Touch Zoom.

bullet02You can also enlarge/reduce by pressing the Fn button assigned with [Zoom In(Tele)] or [Zoom Out(Wide)].

bullet02If the zoom operation has been enabled using the Fn button assigned with [Zoom Control], you cannot enlarge/reduce using image_front-dial_s/image_rear-dial_s.

bullet02When using a power zoom lens, crop zoom works after enlarging the optical zoom to the maximum.

Step zoom

You can switch the crop zoom rate ([Minimum Image Size]).

1.0×[L] /1.4×[M] /2.0×[S] /approx. 3×[XS]

bullet02Press character_leftcharacter_right.

bullet02You can also switch by pressing the Fn button assigned with [Crop Zoom Increment(Step)].

bullet02When using a power zoom lens, you can switch the crop zoom rate after enlarging the optical zoom to the maximum.

  1. Confirm your selection.

bullet02Press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02Touch Zoom and the Fn buttons [Zoom In(Tele)], [Zoom Out(Wide)], and [Crop Zoom Increment(Step)] can also be used in the recording screen.


bullet02RAW images are recorded without being cropped.


bullet02The [Focal Length Display Setting] settings work together across the following menus:

– [Crop Zoom(Photo)]

– [Crop Zoom(Video)]

bullet02When the following functions are being used, [Crop Zoom(Photo)] is not available:

– [RAW] ([Picture Quality])

– High Resolution mode

[Crop Zoom(Video)]



Cut out the central section of the image to get an enhanced telescopic effect without image quality deterioration.

It can even be used with a prime lens.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-other] character_arrow Select [Crop Zoom(Video)]



Enables crop zoom.



[Focal Length Display Setting]

Sets how focal length is displayed.

[Composite Focal Length]: Result of the calculation “focal length of the optical zoom × crop zoom rate” (eg.: 180 mm)

[+ Crop Magnification]: The focal length of the optical zoom and the crop zoom rate (eg.: 60 mm × 2.7)

[Zoom Speed(Video)]

[During Recording Standby]: Sets the zoom speed during recording standby.

[During Recording]: Sets the zoom speed during recording.


[H], [M], [L], [SL]

character_diamondUsing [Crop Zoom(Video)]

  1. Set [Crop Zoom(Video)] to [ON].

bullet02button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-other] character_arrow [Crop Zoom(Video)] character_arrow [ON]

bullet02While [Crop Zoom(Video)] is set to [ON], zoom operations are enabled by pressing character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right. ([Zoom Control] in [Fn Button Set] is allocated to character_upcharacter_downcharacter_leftcharacter_right.)

  1. Perform the zoom operations.



bullet02Press character_upcharacter_down or rotate image_front-dial_s/image_rear-dial_s.

bullet02When [Touch Tab] is set to [ON], you can enlarge/reduce with Touch Zoom.

bullet02You can also enlarge/reduce by pressing the Fn button assigned with [Zoom In(Tele)] or [Zoom Out(Wide)].

bullet02If the zoom operation has been enabled using the Fn button assigned with [Zoom Control], you cannot enlarge/reduce using image_front-dial_s/image_rear-dial_s.

bullet02When using a power zoom lens, crop zoom works after enlarging the optical zoom to the maximum.

Step zoom

You can switch the crop zoom rate ([Image Area of Video]).


bullet02Press character_leftcharacter_right.

bullet02You can also switch by pressing the Fn button assigned with [Crop Zoom Increment(Step)].

bullet02When using a power zoom lens, you can switch the crop zoom rate after enlarging the optical zoom to the maximum.

  1. Confirm your selection.

bullet02Press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02Touch Zoom and the Fn buttons [Zoom In(Tele)], [Zoom Out(Wide)], and [Crop Zoom Increment(Step)] can also be used in the recording screen.

character_diamond[Rec Quality] and Crop Zoom Rate

[Rec Quality]

Maximum crop zoom rate

5.8K video, 5.7K video, 4.4K video

C4K video/4K video (120p/100p)

C4K video (60p/50p/48p/30p/25p/24p)

Approx. 1.3×

4K video (60p/50p/48p/30p/25p/24p)

Approx. 1.4×

FHD video (240p/200p/120p/100p)

FHD video (60p/50p/48p/30p/25p/24p)

Approx. 2.7×


bullet02The [Focal Length Display Setting] settings work together across the following menus:

– [Crop Zoom(Photo)]

– [Crop Zoom(Video)]

bullet02When the following functions are being used, [Crop Zoom(Video)] is not available:

– [Rec Quality] for a high frame rate video exceeding a recording frame rate of 60.00p

– [Variable Frame Rate] exceeding a frame rate of 60 fps

– [Live Cropping]

[Power Zoom Lens]

This sets the zoom operation when using a lens that supports power zoom (motorized zoom).

bullet02This is available when using a supported interchangeable lens.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_custom-menu-lens-other] character_arrow Select [Power Zoom Lens]

[Step Zoom]

When you operate the zoom with this setting [ON], the zoom will stop at preset focal length positions.

bullet02This is not possible during video recording.

[Zoom Speed(Photo)]

You can set the zoom speed for zoom operations.

[H], [M], [L], [SL]

bullet02If you set [Step Zoom] to [ON], the zoom speed will not change.

[Zoom Speed(Video)]

[Zoom Ring]

This can be selected when a lens compatible with power zoom that has a zoom lever and zoom ring is mounted on the camera.

The operations with the zoom ring are disabled when set to [OFF] to prevent erroneous operation.