
Recording Using the Self-timer



  1. Set the drive mode to [icon_self-shutter].

character_bullet-largeSet the drive mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Drive Mode)

  1. Set the self-timer time. (character_referenceSetting the Self-timer Time)

bullet02When recording videos, set [Self Timer For Video] in [Self Timer Setting] of the [Video] ([Others (Video)]) menu to [ON].

  1. Close the menu.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button halfway.

  1. Decide on the composition and then adjust the focus.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button halfway.

bullet02The focus and exposure are fixed when the shutter button is pressed halfway.


  1. Start recording.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button, video rec. button, or sub video rec. button.

character_bullet-largeAfter the self-timer light blinks, shooting or video recording starts.


character_diamondSetting the Self-timer Time

Picture: button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-other] character_arrow Select [Self Timer]

Video: button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-other] character_arrow [Self Timer Setting] character_arrow Select [Self Timer]character_asterisk

  1. This can be set by setting [Self Timer For Video] to [ON] in [Self Timer Setting] in the [Video] ([Others (Video)]) menu.


Takes a picture after 10 seconds.


Takes 3 pictures at approx. 2 second intervals after 10 seconds.

(When recording video, it will be the same operation with [icon_self-timer2].)


Takes a picture after 2 seconds.

bullet02This setting is a convenient way to avoid camera shake caused by pressing the shutter button.

[icon_self-timer_custom2] to [icon_self-timer_custom10]


Takes a picture after the time selected with [Custom Time].


[Custom Time]

Sets the time until recording starts.


[Display Countdown]

A countdown is displayed on the recording screen when the self-timer is Custom.


bullet02We recommend using a tripod when recording with the self-timer.


bullet02[Self Timer] in the [Photo] ([Others (Photo)]) menu and [Self Timer] in the [Self Timer Setting] ([Video] ([Others (Video)]) menu) work together.

bullet02When the following functions are being used, [icon_self-timer3] is not available:

– [Simultaneous Record w/o Filter] ([Filter Settings])

– [Bracketing]

– [Live View Composite]