
Recording with Stop Motion Animation



Take pictures while moving the subject little by little.

The pictures taken will be saved as a set of group images that can be combined into a stop motion video. (character_referenceGroup Images)

  1. Set the drive mode to [icon_drive-interbal].

character_bullet-largeSet the drive mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Drive Mode)

  1. Set [Mode] to [Stop Motion Animation].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-other] character_arrow [Time Lapse/Animation] character_arrow [Mode] character_arrow [Stop Motion Animation]


  1. Set the recording settings.


Switches between Time Lapse Shot and Stop Motion Animation.

[Add to Picture Group]

Allows you to continue recording for a set of stop motion images that have already been recorded.

bullet02Select an image and proceed to Step 5.

[Auto Shooting]

[ON]: Takes pictures automatically at a set recording interval.

[OFF]: This is for taking pictures manually, frame by frame.

[Shooting Interval]

Sets the recording interval for [Auto Shooting].

  1. Close the menu.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button halfway.

  1. Start recording.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button fully.

character_bullet-largeTake pictures repeatedly while moving the subject little by little.

bullet02The recording screen displays up to two pictures taken previously. Use them as reference for the amount of movement.

bullet02You can play back the recorded stop motion images by pressing [button_playback] during recording.

Press [button_delete_s] to delete unnecessary images.

To return to the recording screen, press [button_playback] again.


  1. Stop recording.

character_bullet-largePress button_menu-set and then select [Time Lapse/Animation] from the [Photo] menu to stop recording.


  1. Create a video. (character_referenceTime Lapse Shot/Stop Motion Animation Videos)

bullet02After the recording has stopped, select [Yes] on the confirmation screen to proceed to create a video.

Even if you select [No], you can still create a video with [Stop Motion Video] in the [Playback] ([Process Image]) menu. (character_reference[Stop Motion Video])


bullet02Up to 9999 frames can be recorded.

bullet02If the camera is turned off while recording, a message for resuming the recording is displayed when it is turned on. Selecting [Yes] allows you to continue the recording from the interruption point.

bullet02The camera gives priority to achieving the standard exposure, so it may not take pictures at the set interval when the flash, etc. is used for recording.

bullet02A picture cannot be selected from [Add to Picture Group] when it is the only one that was taken.

bullet02[Stop Motion Animation] is not available when using the following function:

– [Live View Composite]

– [ Connection]