
Using AF

character_bullet-large[AF-Point Scope]

character_bullet-large[AF Custom Setting(Photo)]

character_bullet-large[Focus Limiter]

character_bullet-large[AF Assist Light]

character_bullet-large[Focus Frame Moving Speed]

character_bullet-large[AF Micro Adjustment]



AF (Auto Focus) refers to automatic focusing.

Select the focus mode and the AF mode appropriate for the subject and scene.

  1. Set the focus mode to [AFS] or [AFC].

character_bullet-largeSet the focus mode lever. (character_referenceSelecting the Focus Mode)

  1. Select the AF mode.

character_bullet-largePress [button_af-mode] to display the AF mode selection screen, and set using button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s. (character_referenceSelecting the AF Mode)

bullet02In [iA] mode, each press of [button_af-mode] switches between [icon_23-points-af_blue] and [icon_af-tracking_blue]. (character_referenceAF Mode)

  1. Press the shutter button halfway.

character_bullet-largeThe AF operates.



In focus

Not in focus

Focus icon (A)



AF area (B)



AF beep

Two beeps

Low illumination AF

bullet02In dark environments, low illumination AF automatically operates, and the focus icon is indicated as [icon_low-af].

bullet02Achieving focus may take more time than usual.

Starlight AF

bullet02If the camera detects stars in the night sky after determining low illumination AF, then Starlight AF will be activated.

When focus is achieved, the focus icon will display [icon_star-af], and the AF area will be displayed on the area in focus.

bullet02Edges of the screen cannot detect Starlight AF.

character_diamond[AF ON] button

You can also activate AF by pressing [AF ON].



bullet02Subjects and recording conditions that make focusing difficult with AF mode

– Fast-moving subjects

– Extremely bright subjects

– Subjects without contrast

– Subjects recorded through windows

– Subjects near shiny objects

– Subjects in very dark locations

– When recording subjects both distant and near


bullet02When the following operations are performed while recording with [AFC], it may take some time for the camera to focus:

– When zooming from the wide-angle end to the telephoto end

– When the subject is suddenly changed from one far away to one close by

bullet02If using the zoom after achieving focus, the focus may be erroneous. In that case, re-adjust the focus.


bullet02You can restrict the range for AF to work:

(character_reference[Focus Limiter])

bullet02When camera shake reduces, it is possible to focus automatically:

(character_reference[Quick AF])

bullet02You can change the settings so that AF does not function when the shutter button is pressed halfway:

(character_reference[Half-Press Shutter])

bullet02The AF beep volume and sound can be changed:


bullet02You can assign the function that makes AF work so that it prioritizes subjects close by to an Fn button.

This function is useful when the camera mistakenly focuses on the background:

(character_reference[AF-ON : Near Shift])

bullet02You can assign the function that makes AF work so that it prioritizes subjects far away to an Fn button.

This function is useful when taking pictures through fences or nets:

(character_reference[AF-ON : Far Shift])

[AF-Point Scope]



This magnifies the focus point when the AF mode is [icon_1-area-plus], [icon_1-point-af_blue], or [icon_pinpoints-af_blue]. (In other AF modes, the center of the screen is magnified.)

You can check focus and observe an enlarged subject as with a telephoto lens.

  1. Register [AF-Point Scope] to the Fn button. (character_referenceFn Buttons)

  1. Enlarge display.

character_bullet-largePress the Fn button set in Step 1.

character_bullet-largeWhile pressing the button, the focus point is enlarged.


bullet02When the screen is enlarged, pressing the shutter button halfway re-acquires focus in a small central AF area.

bullet02When the screen is enlarged, turn image_front-dial_s or image_rear-dial_s to adjust the magnification.

bullet02Use image_front-dial_s for more detailed adjustments.


bullet02When the screen is enlarged, [AFC] changes to [AFS].

bullet02When the following function is being used, AF-Point Scope does not work:

– Video recording/SH burst recording


bullet02You can change the display method of the magnified screen:

(character_reference[AF-Point Scope Setting])

[AF Custom Setting(Photo)]



You can select features of AF operation when taking pictures with [AFC] that are appropriate for the subject and scene.

Each of these features can be further customized.

  1. Set the focus mode to [AFC].

character_bullet-largeSet the focus mode lever. (character_referenceSelecting the Focus Mode)

  1. Set [AF Custom Setting(Photo)].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-focus] character_arrow [AF Custom Setting(Photo)]


[Set 1]

Basic general-purpose setting.

[Set 2]

Suggested for situations where the subject moves at a constant speed in one direction.

[Set 3]

Suggested when the subject moves randomly, and other objects may be in the scene.

[Set 4]

Suggested for situations where the speed of the subject changes significantly.

character_diamondAdjusting AF Custom Settings

  1. Press character_leftcharacter_right to select the AF Custom setting type.

  1. Press character_upcharacter_down to select items and press character_leftcharacter_right to adjust.

bullet02A description of the item is displayed on the screen when you press [DISP.].

bullet02To reset settings to the default, press [Q].

  1. Press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

[AF Sensitivity]

Sets the tracking sensitivity for the movement of subjects.


When the distance to the subject changes drastically, the camera re-adjusts the focus immediately. You can bring different subjects into focus one after another.


When the distance to the subject changes drastically, the camera waits for a short period of time before re-adjusting the focus. This allows you to prevent the focus from being accidentally re-adjusted when, for example, an object moves across the image.

[AF Area Switching Sensitivity]

Sets the sensitivity for switching the AF area to match subject movement.

(When AF mode is set to Full Area AF)


When the subject moves out of the AF area, the camera immediately switches the AF area to keep the subject in focus.


The camera switches the AF area at a gradual pace. Effects caused by a slight movement of the subject or by obstacles in front of the camera will be minimized.

[Moving Subject Prediction]

Sets the tracking method for changes in the speed of subject movement.

bullet02At larger setting values, the camera tries to maintain focus by responding even to sudden movements of the subject. However, the camera becomes more sensitive to slight movements of the subject, so focusing may become unstable.


This is suited to a subject with minimal changes in speed.


These are suited to a subject that changes its speed.


[Focus Limiter]



You can restrict the range for AF to work.

The focusing speed of AF increases when you limit the range where AF works.

  1. Set the focus mode to [AFS] or [AFC].

character_bullet-largeSet the focus mode lever. (character_referenceSelecting the Focus Mode)

  1. Set [Focus Limiter].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture]/[icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-focus] character_arrow [Focus Limiter]


Enables the following settings.


Disables the following settings.


  1. Use the same procedure as MF (character_referenceRecord Using MF) to check the focus, then press [WB] or [ISO] to set the range of operation for AF.

bullet02This can also be set by touching [Limit1]/[Limit2].

bullet02[Limit1]/[Limit2] can be set from either.


  1. Press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s to confirm the setting.

bullet02Press [DISP.] to return the operation range to the default setting.


bullet02This can be set when using a lens with a focus ring or a focus lever.

bullet02It cannot be set if the focusing distance range selector switch of the lens has been used to limit the operation range.

bullet02The setting values are reset when the lens is replaced.

bullet02When [Focus Limiter] is working, [icon_focus_limit]/[icon_focus_limit_afc] is displayed on the screen.

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Focus Limiter] is not available:

– [AF+MF]

[AF Assist Light]



When recording in low light conditions, the AF assist light turns on when you press the shutter button halfway, making it easier for the camera to focus.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture]/[icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-focus] character_arrow Select [AF Assist Light]

Settings: [ON]/[OFF]



bullet02The effective range of the AF assist light is different depending on the lens used.

– When the interchangeable lens (H-ES12060) is attached and at wide-angle end.

Approx. 1.0 m (3.3 feet) to 3.5 m (11 feet)

– When the interchangeable lens (H-FS12060) is attached and at wide-angle end.

Approx. 1.0 m (3.3 feet) to 3.0 m (9.8 feet)

bullet02Remove the lens hood.

bullet02The AF assist light may be greatly blocked, and it may become harder to focus when a lens with large diameter is used.

[Focus Frame Moving Speed]



Sets the speed when moving the AF area/MF Assist.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture]/[icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_photo-focus] character_arrow Select [Focus Frame Moving Speed]

Settings: [FAST]/[NORMAL]

[AF Micro Adjustment]



You can make fine adjustments to the focus point when focusing with phase detection AF.


bullet02There is normally no need to adjust the focus point. Adjust only when necessary. If you adjust on a lens that has a correct focus point, there is a risk that the camera will not be able to record with the appropriate focus point.

button_menu-set character_arrow [icon_custom-menu] character_arrow [icon_custom-menu-lens-other] character_arrow Select [AF Micro Adjustment]



Adjust uniformly for all lenses.

Used in cases such as when you have attached lenses that are not registered in [ADJUST BY LENS].


Adjust each lens separately and register the adjustment values on the camera.

When a registered lens is attached, the adjusted value is recalled when it is set in [ADJUST BY LENS].

bullet02When using a zoom lens, you can adjust the focus point individually at the wide-angle end and the telephoto end.

bullet02If the lens has already been registered, the adjustment value is overwritten.


character_diamondRegistering the Adjusted Value

  1. Select [ALL] or [ADJUST BY LENS] and then press [DISP.].

  1. (When [ADJUST BY LENS] is selected) Register the lens.

bullet02Press [DISP.] and select [Yes] to register.

bullet02If the lens is already registered, the screen moves to the one in Step 3.

  1. (When [ADJUST BY LENS] is selected) Select [Wide Adjustment] or [Tele Adjustment].

bullet02Press character_upcharacter_down to select, and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02When using a prime lens, [Adjustment] is displayed.


  1. Adjust the focus point.

bullet02Press character_leftcharacter_right to adjust the focus point and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02You can also adjust by rotating image_front-dial_s, image_rear-dial_s, or button_control-dial_s.

bullet02The focus point is moved backward when adjusted with the [+] side. The focus point is moved forward when adjusted with the [−] side.


  1. Record and repeat Step 4 until the suitable focus point is reached.

bullet02Check the set focus point in an image recorded with [AFC] of the [Focus/Shutter Priority] set to [FOCUS] and with the focus mode set to [AFC]. (character_reference[Focus/Shutter Priority])


bullet02We recommend making the adjustments in the same environment that will be used for recording.

bullet02We recommend using a tripod when adjusting.


bullet02You can register a maximum of 40 lenses in [ADJUST BY LENS]. When the upper limit is exceeded, already registered lens information is overwritten.

bullet02When a teleconverter is used when adjusted with [ADJUST BY LENS], the combination of the lens and teleconverter is registered.

bullet02The focus point for the wide-angle end and the telephoto end cannot be individually adjusted in [ALL].

bullet02The registration numbers and lens names registered in [ADJUST BY LENS] are entered automatically and cannot be changed.


Registered lens information and adjusted values are initialized.

  1. Select [ALL] or [ADJUST BY LENS] and then press [Q].

  1. Select [Yes] to initialize.


bullet02Irrespective of the [ALL]/[ADJUST BY LENS] selection, all of the registered lens information and adjusted values in [AF Micro Adjustment] are initialized.