
Synchronizing the Time Code with an External Device

character_bullet-largePreparations for Time Code Synchronization

character_bullet-largeSynchronize the Time Code of the External Device with That of the Camera (TC OUT)

character_bullet-largeSynchronize the Time Code of the Camera with That of the External Device (TC IN)



Synchronize the time code default value with an external device that supports time code signal input and output.


(A) Flash synchro socket

(B) BNC conversion cable (for TC IN/OUT) (supplied)

(C) BNC cable (commercially available)

(D) External devices

Preparations for Time Code Synchronization

When [Count Up] is set to [FREE RUN] in the [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode, you can synchronize the initial value of the time code with an external device.

  1. Set the recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Set [Count Up] to [FREE RUN].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Time Code] character_arrow [Count Up] character_arrow [FREE RUN]

  1. Rotate the flash synchro socket cap in the direction of the arrow to remove.

bullet02Be careful not to lose the flash synchro socket cap.


  1. Insert the BNC conversion cable (for TC IN/OUT), and then rotate the locking screw in the direction of the arrow to attach the cable.


  1. Connect the BNC conversion cable (for TC IN/OUT) and the external device with the BNC cable.


bullet02Always use a supplied BNC conversion cable (for TC IN/OUT).

bullet02Use a BNC cable with the length less than 2.8 m (9.2 feet).

bullet02We recommend using a 5C-FB equivalent double-shielded BNC cables.

Synchronize the Time Code of the External Device with That of the Camera (TC OUT)

The initial time code value of the external device is synchronized according to the time code signal (LTC signal) of the camera.

  1. Prepare for time code synchronizing. (character_referencePreparations for Time Code Synchronization)

  1. Select [TC Output Reference].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Time Code] character_arrow [External TC Setting] character_arrow [TC Output Reference]


Outputs the time code signal for the images that you record.


When connected with an external device (external recorder, etc.) via HDMI, the time code signal output is delayed slightly to match the HDMI images.

  1. Set [TC Synchronization] to [TC OUT].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Time Code] character_arrow [External TC Setting] character_arrow [TC Synchronization] character_arrow [TC OUT]

character_bullet-largeThe time code signal is output according to the recording frame rate of the [Rec Quality] and the [Time Code Mode] ([DF]/[NDF]) setting.

  1. Operate the external device to synchronize the time code.

character_diamondOutputting the Time Code Signal Again

By setting as follows, the time code signal (LTC signal) can be output just by connecting with the external device with the BNC cable:

bullet02[icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode

bullet02[Count Up] ([Time Code]): [FREE RUN]

bullet02[TC Synchronization] ([External TC Setting] in [Time Code]): [TC OUT]

Synchronize the Time Code of the Camera with That of the External Device (TC IN)

The initial time code value of the camera is synchronized according to the time code signal (LTC signal) of the external device.


bullet02In advance, change the [System Frequency] (character_reference[System Frequency]), [Rec Quality] (character_reference[Rec Quality]), and [Time Code Mode] (character_reference[Time Code Mode]) to match the external device.

  1. Prepare for time code synchronizing. (character_referencePreparations for Time Code Synchronization)

  1. Set [TC Synchronization] to [TC IN].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-image-format] character_arrow [Time Code] character_arrow [External TC Setting] character_arrow [TC Synchronization] character_arrow [TC IN]

  1. Operate the external device to output the time code signal.

character_bullet-largeSet the time code count method of the external device to free run, and output the signal.

character_bullet-largeWhen synchronized with the time code of an external device, this camera is in a slave state, and the [icon_tc] of the time code shown on the screen switches to [icon_tc-slave].


bullet02When multiple units of this camera are synchronized, the time code and exposure timings are synchronized so you can match the timings for starting exposure between cameras.


bullet02The exposure timing can only be synchronized the first time after [TC Synchronization] is set to [TC IN].

character_diamondMaintaining, Releasing, and Restoring the Slave State

Even if you disconnect the BNC cable, the camera will remain in slave state.

bullet02Perform one of the following operations to release the camera from the slave state.

– Operate the camera on/off switch

– Switch the recording mode

– Change the [System Frequency]

– Set the [Variable Frame Rate]

– Switch the [Rec Quality] between 239.76p/119.88p/59.94p/59.94i/29.97p and a different recording frame rate

– Change the following [Time Code] setting items:

[Count Up], [Time Code Value], [Time Code Mode], [TC Synchronization]

bullet02To restore the slave state, reconnect the BNC cable to the external device while set as follows.

The time code signal (LTC signal) can be input just by connecting.

– [icon_mode-p-motion_table] mode

– [Count Up] ([Time Code]): [FREE RUN]

– [TC Synchronization] ([External TC Setting] in [Time Code]): [TC IN]


bullet02Even when the system frequency differs between the camera and the external device, their initial time code values may be synchronized. Bear in mind, however, that the time codes lose sync as they count up.