
Methods for Adjusting Gain Added

Gain adjustment related menus and USER button functionality have been added.

character_diamond[GAIN SETTING] menu

[CAMERA] menu character_arrow [SW MODE] character_arrow [GAIN SETTING]

You can set the behavior when the <GAIN> button is pressed.


Switch between the auto gain mode and the manual gain mode when you press the <GAIN> button.


Switch between the auto gain mode and the manual gain mode when you hold down the <GAIN> button.

When set to manual gain mode, the gain setting switches in the following order each time you press the <GAIN> button:

LOW gain character_arrow MID gain character_arrow HIGH gain

(Factory setting: [NORMAL MODE])

bullet02After setting to [PRESET MODE] and switching to LOW gain/MID gain/HIGH gain, you can adjust the gain value with the multidial.

About the gain setting indicators


(A) Gain setting indicator


bullet02The indicator changes depending on the setting of [GAIN SETTING].

– [NOR]: When [GAIN SETTING] is set to [NORMAL MODE]

– [PRST]: When [GAIN SETTING] is set to [PRESET MODE]

character_diamondSetting the gain value when switched to LOW gain/MID gain/HIGH gain

Settings can be made with the following menu:

[CAMERA] menu character_arrow [SW MODE] character_arrow [LOW GAIN]/[MID GAIN]/[HIGH GAIN]

The items that can be set are as follows.

character_bullet-large[AUTO], [0dB]character_asterisk…[24dB]

  1. When [SYSTEM] menu character_arrow [SHOOTING MODE] character_arrow [HIGH SENS.], the adjustment range is between [−3dB] and [24dB].

bullet02When set to [AUTO], auto gain is engaged when switched.

bullet02Factory setting:

– [LOW GAIN]: [0dB]

– [MID GAIN]: [6dB]

– [HIGH GAIN]: [12dB]

bullet02After setting to minus gain ([−1dB] to [−3dB]), when switched to [SYSTEM] menu character_arrow [SHOOTING MODE] character_arrow [NORMAL], the gain value becomes [0dB].

bullet02Even if the multidial is used to adjust the gain value in the recording screen, the adjustment is not reflected in the [LOW GAIN]/[MID GAIN]/[HIGH GAIN] menus.

character_diamondApplications for the USER button

When the USER button/USER button icon is used, you can switch to the gain value of LOW gain/MID gain/HIGH gain with just one operation. (character_referenceUSER Button Functionality Added)

character_diamondNotes on the SWITCH screen in mode check

The following display items have been added to the SWITCH screen in mode check.

SWITCH screen





Displays the gain value assigned to the [LOW GAIN] menu.


Displays the gain value assigned to the [MID GAIN] menu.


Displays the gain value assigned to the [HIGH GAIN] menu.