
13. Camera Customization

character_bullet-largeFn Buttons

character_bullet-large[Dial Operation Switch]

character_bullet-largeQuick Menu Customization

character_bullet-largeCustom Mode

character_bullet-largeMy Menu

character_bullet-large[Save/Restore Camera Setting]

This chapter describes the customization function with which you can configure the camera to your preferred settings.

Change how buttons, dials, etc. on the camera are to be operated.

character_bullet-large[Fn Button Set] (character_referenceFn Buttons)


character_bullet-large[Dial Operation Switch Setup] (character_reference[Dial Operation Switch])


Register the currently set information of the camera.

character_bullet-largeCustom mode (character_referenceCustom Mode)


Change menu display items.

character_bullet-largeQuick menu (character_referenceQuick Menu Customization)

character_bullet-largeMy Menu (character_referenceMy Menu)

Import camera settings information onto another camera.

character_bullet-large[Save/Restore Camera Setting] (character_reference[Save/Restore Camera Setting])

bullet02Detailed settings for camera operations and screen display are available in the [Custom] menu. (character_reference[Custom] Menu)