
[Focus Transition]



Smoothly transitions the focus position from the current position to a position registered in advance.

  1. Set the recording mode to [icon_mode-p-motion_table].

character_bullet-largeSet the mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Recording Mode)

  1. Select [Focus Transition].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_movie] character_arrow [icon_video-other] character_arrow [Focus Transition]

bullet02If the [Please set the focus position.] message is displayed, press either button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.


  1. Set focus positions.

character_bullet-largeCheck the focus using the same procedure as MF (character_referenceRecord Using MF), and then press [WB], [ISO], and [icon_expo_s] to set focus positions.

character_bullet-largeYou can also touch [POS1] to [POS3] to set focus positions.


  1. Register the focus positions.

character_bullet-largePress button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s to register the focus positions.

  1. Start recording.

character_bullet-largePress the video rec. button.

bullet02The advanced setting screen is displayed when you press [DISP.] before recording. (character_referenceSetting Items ([Focus Transition]))

bullet02If you have enabled [Focus Transition Rec], Focus Transition will start when you start recording a video.

  1. Start Focus Transition.

character_bullet-largePress character_leftcharacter_right to select [1], [2], or [3], and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.

bullet02When [Focus Transition Wait] is set, Focus Transition starts after the set time has elapsed.


(A) Current focus position

(B) Registered focus position

  1. End Focus Transition.

character_bullet-largePress [Q].

  1. Stop recording.

character_bullet-largePress the video rec. button once again.

character_diamondSetting Items ([Focus Transition])

[Focus Position Setting]

Registers focus positions.

[Focus Transition Speed]

Sets the moving speed of focus.

bullet02Moving speed: [SH] (fast) to [SL] (slow)

[Focus Transition Rec]

Starts Focus Transition when recording starts.

bullet02Select the position registered with [Focus Position Setting].

[Focus Transition Wait]

Sets the wait time before the start of Focus Transition.

bullet02The recording screen is displayed when you press [button_return].


bullet02Maintain the same distance to the subject after setting focus positions.

bullet02The moving speed of focus varies depending on the lens being used.

bullet02The moving speed of focus slows as it approaches the closest focusing distance of the lens or infinity.

bullet02While using [Focus Transition], it is not possible to focus on anything other than one of the registered focus positions.

bullet02Any of the operations below will clear the focus position settings.

– Operating the camera on/off switch

– Zoom operation

– Switching the focus mode

– Switching the recording mode

– Replacing the lens

bullet02When the following function is being used, [Focus Transition] is not available:

– [Live Cropping]

bullet02[Focus Transition] cannot be used when using an interchangeable lens that does not support the focus mode [AFC].