
Recording with Time Lapse Shot



Pictures are taken automatically at a set recording interval.

This feature is ideal for keeping track of changes over time in subjects such as animals and plants.

The pictures taken will be saved as a set of group images that can also be combined into a video. (character_referenceGroup Images)


bullet02Check that the clock is set correctly. (character_referenceSetting the Clock (When Turning On for the First Time))

bullet02For long recording intervals, we recommend setting [Lens Focus Resume] to [ON] in the [Custom] ([Lens / Others]) menu.

  1. Set the drive mode to [icon_drive-interbal].

character_bullet-largeSet the drive mode dial. (character_referenceSelecting the Drive Mode)

  1. Set [Mode] to [Time Lapse Shot].

character_bullet-largebutton_menu-set character_arrow [icon_picture] character_arrow [icon_photo-other] character_arrow [Time Lapse/Animation] character_arrow [Mode] character_arrow [Time Lapse Shot]


  1. Set the recording settings.


Switches between Time Lapse Shot and Stop Motion Animation.

[Shooting Interval Setting]

[ON]: Sets the interval before the next recording takes place.

[OFF]: Takes pictures without leaving recording intervals.

[Start Time]

[Now]: Starts recording when the shutter button is pressed fully.

[After 2 Seconds]: Starts recording 2 seconds after the shutter button is pressed fully.

[Start Time Set]: Starts recording at the set time.

[Image Count]/[Shooting Interval]

Sets the number of pictures and the recording interval to be taken.

The number of pictures and the recording interval to be taken can be automatically calculated and set. (character_referenceSetting Assistant for Time Lapse Shot Recording)

bullet02[Shooting Interval] is not available when [Shooting Interval Setting] is set to [OFF].

[Exposure Leveling]

Adjusts the exposure automatically to prevent large changes in brightness between adjacent frames.

[Create New Folder At Rec]

[Create a New Folder]: When set to [ON], a new folder is created each time that Time Lapse Shot recording is started.

[File Number Reset]: When set to [ON], the file number is reset each time a new folder is created.

  1. Close the menu.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button halfway.

  1. Start recording.

character_bullet-largePress the shutter button fully.

bullet02When [Start Time Set] is set, the camera will enter into sleep status until the start time is reached.

bullet02During recording standby, the camera enters into sleep status when no operation is performed for a certain period of time.

bullet02The recording will stop automatically.

  1. Create a video. (character_referenceTime Lapse Shot/Stop Motion Animation Videos)

bullet02After the recording has stopped, select [Yes] on the confirmation screen to proceed to create a video.

Even if you select [No], you can still create a video with [Time Lapse Video] in the [Playback] ([Process Image]) menu. (character_reference[Time Lapse Video])

character_diamondSetting Assistant for Time Lapse Shot Recording

When [DISP.] is pressed in the [Image Count]/[Shooting Interval] setting screen, [Image Count] and [Shooting Interval] can be set by automatically calculating them from the frame rate, time, and recording duration of the video to be created.

  1. Press character_upcharacter_down to select the item and then press button_menu-set or button_joy-stick-push_s.


[Production Frame Rate]

Sets the frame rate of videos to be created.

It can be set in the range between 1 fps and 99 fps.

[Video Length]

Sets the playback time of videos to be created.

It can be set in the range between 00m01s and 99m59s.

[Time Lapse Shooting Duration]

Sets the Time Lapse Shot duration.

It can be set in the range between 00h00m01s and 99h59m59s.

  1. Press [DISP.] to confirm.

bullet02The settings are reflected when you select [Yes].


bullet02[Image Count] can be set in the range between 1 and 9999.

bullet02[Shooting Interval] is set in the range between 00m01s and 99m59s.

Decimal places are rounded down if the number is not evenly divisible.

bullet02When the setting is one where recording is not possible, [Image Count] or [Shooting Interval] is displayed in red letters.

bullet02When [Shooting Interval Setting] is [OFF], the Time Lapse Shot settings cannot be automatically calculated.

character_diamondOperations during Time Lapse Shot Recording

Pressing the shutter button halfway during sleep status will turn on the camera.

bullet02You can perform the following operations by pressing [Q] during Time Lapse Shot recording.


Returns to the recording. (Only during recording)


Pauses the recording. (Only during recording)


Resumes the recording. (Only while paused)

bullet02You can also press the shutter button to resume.


Stops the Time Lapse Shot recording.


bullet02Pictures recorded to more than one card cannot be combined into a single video.

bullet02The camera gives priority to achieving the standard exposure, so it may not take pictures at the set interval or take the set number of pictures.

Furthermore, it may not end at the end time displayed on the screen.

bullet02Time Lapse Shot is paused in the following cases.

– When the charge on the battery runs out

– When you set the camera on/off switch to [OFF]

You can set the camera on/off switch to [OFF] and replace the battery or card.

Set the camera on/off switch to [ON] and then press the shutter button fully to resume recording.

(Note that the images recorded after replacing the card will be saved as a separate set of group images.)

bullet02[Exposure Leveling] is not available if ISO sensitivity is set to other than [AUTO] in [M] mode.